Old Poems from an Old journal

Jul 02, 2005 01:04

[24 Nov 2002|05:36pm]
When you have nuthing left,
What happens then,
When I give up on fate,
All the things I once held dear,
Are now all gone,
What more is going to happen,
Cant it all just stop,
Make me not so sad,
Have a happy ending for us all,
To have no hate,
Not many do,
I try not to hate,
Just sometimes they give me no choice,
To have us all happy once more,
What will that take,
Tell me and I will try,
Or have a fucked up so much,
The friends I once cared for,
Are forever gone?

[14 Jul 2002|04:13pm]
Energy flying
Haveing fun
chilling with myself
never got to know the real me
my energy is feeling so cool right know
if only you could feel
the madness

[27 Jun 2002|05:49pm]
When It rains,
I want to be there,
I want to have it runing in my hair,
To just stand in it makes me happy,
To run dance, or play in the rain would be happyness,
But the rain is not here,
So i sit and wait for it to cme back,
To dance in it again,
And to be truly happy.

[26 Jun 2002|10:46pm]
............A Random Poem............
When will I just get to meet the right one,
Did I meet him before,
Why can't I find happyness,
I seem to fuck it up and then what do I do,
For the past day or so I have thought,
Thought what it would be like,
For a guy to just love me and for me to love him back,
The guys come and go but none stay,
Do I just give off a bad vibe,
Am I afrade of love,
If I run from it why would I,
It is all I want in the world,
To have a someone to love and call mine,
Just us with the little houes,
I don't want much,
He could be poor as ever and I would not care,
Only if I could have him,
Here with me,
When will it all just end,
And give me the one I want,
I don't want to date,
I want someone to love,
Someone that will not hurt me,
Maybe some day soon it will happen,
I will get my love.

[22 Jun 2002|01:08am]
----To Easy----
I seem to not want to get out of bed,
You make me want to live,
All I need is you with me,
To make me feel better,
Your the one that makes me get up,
Your the one that makes me happy,
All of this seems way to easy for me,
To be happy I always have more to it,
Having so many thing I need to do first,
This just falls into place so fast,
It is all just to easy to be real,
For all of this to be in my life.

[16 Jun 2002|10:26pm]
You disapered with out a trace,
What happend to the feelings we shared,
Last time I looked,
We where happy as ever,
Now you seem to not talk,
You forget that I'm here,
When I get lost in the thoughts you gave me,
I stare out for hours,
Forgeting everything around me,
Never know if I'm going to walk into a wall,
Or even more off a cliff,
Time passed by me,
Still I thought about you,
Never getting you off my mind,
I never will,
You have mad your mark,
And it is here to stay,
You thought you could never hurt me,
But you never thoght about the fact that you did,
Now I cant look at you,
You face brings back the painful memories,
Ones I never want to thought about,
I cryed when you left,
And I have one thing that you should know,
It is I loved you with all my heart,
And you tossed it out on the ground,
Never to be picked up,
Shattered dreams and thoughts,
All at once,
I never wish to talk to you,
B/c of what you did,
I never wish to talk to you,
B/c You would never let me tell you,
That I still love you,
But you love hurts,
The memories hurt,
It all hurts now,
So I'm letting you go,
To get all the hurt to go with it,
To be heathy once more,
And to try to love again.

[16 Jun 2002|12:07am]
When I when to see if you where behind me,
I looked around me to say hey,
You where gone,
Lost in the crowd of fans,
I yell for you to come near,
There was nothing back,
Where did you run to,
How did you get lost when we where holding hands,
I'm running like crazy trying to find you,
Someone say that you where looking for me too,
When I thought I had lost you for good,
There you came right up behind me,
Rapped your arms around my wast,
Then kissed my neck,
You whispered in my ear,
That you never wanted to leave me again,
I turned around,
And kissed you like never before,
Then we knew,
We where never to part.

[13 Jun 2002|07:15pm]
When I look up to see you,
I look at your eyes and wander,
If it is you I want,
Or if I just want to be with some one,
Many times I see myself with you,
In my dreams too,
You pop in them,
I never thought that someone could make me lose track of my thoughts,
But you have made me feel that way,
When do we get to have the time we need,
To talk and see what is to become of us,
I know I want more,
And I know you want more,
But would it be the right choice,
Do I need to think about this better,
How long till we are in each others arms,
I long for your hugs,
I miss your lips and the feeling I see in your eyes,
Your kisses that make me feel like i'm going to melt,
When I look in your eyes I see the real you,
Not the one that everyone sees,
But the one that only you know is there,
I see this b/c you let me,
I show you the real me so you will know,
Never do I want you to leave,
Never do I want you to leave me,
We will be together one day,
Me and you as happy as we can be,
Never to be messed with,
For all eternity.
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