hi! i've been working on a style for days and days and have gotten absolutely almost no where. i do have it kinda/sorta laid out
here, except i want the picture to show fully, without the links at the top. and i'd like the links to be stationary, not float with the journal entries. i'd like the picture to remain fixed and the journal entries to float. i'd like links to the LJ style browser, email me, friends of friends, and my counter. i can add those myself, really. i know enough HTML to do that, but i get really messed up with the LJ specific tags. if you give me a rough template, i think i'll be able to create my own versions of friend's and calendar pages.
i'd like the font Lucinda Handwriting. that's my first choice. second choice would be Helvetica. color for the text should be soft, easy to read grey. links should be coordinating. i've been playing around with various lighter and darker shades of grey. text decoration should be none. a crosshair pointer is good. nothing blinking, please. i don't even like blinking lights on my christmas tree. :) do leave space for my counter.
i don't care who makes the style. whoever has time is fine. i'm very excited about this and in awe of anyone who can make their livejournal look just the way they want it to look because, as i said, i've been working on mine for a while now and gotten almost no where.
my screen resolution is 800 x 600, and i'd love a link to the designer on the journal page. talent should not go unrecognized and it takes talent to do what you do.
i hope i've given you all the information you need. any questions, email me at denise@onlyarethusa.net.
and thank you so much!