summer sucks ass

Aug 15, 2005 22:51

So I'm at my ortho today and we were waiting for the evil man who put me in these things and the lady (Rachelle) was talking to me about my summer and she asked me if I went anywhere this summer.  me: nope... farthest away from Olympia I've been is Portland...

xD that just made me realize how much this summer sucked/is sucking.  More so than my other summers at least.  Drama drama drama.  Evil drama.  Hating drama.  grr.  I realized why I write so much. so many stories.  The inspiration for those stories usually happen then I'm really fucking bored, sad, mad, or just feeling a strong emotion in general.  It's because I don't want to deal with the shit in my life and I put myself into the characters in the story.  And since I'm writing them, I can make them go the way I want... and I realize that when I do that, the stories may be set in different time periods or places, but they all have the same damn plot and it's boring.  -puts on music-  God, I'm being really fucking random.. oh yeah, and since thursday, I've been swearing a lot and angered easily and stuff like that.  I just don't want to be home without anyone to bitch to.  hmm, I think I'll go chat more to all these guys that are my buds.  Since I can't talk to my best friend or Sarah because Sarah's probably asleep and my best friend refuses to talk to me SO...

Oh yeah, I'm going to a party on Wednesday and for once it's not at my house or I didn't arrange it.  This is going to be very nice... ^__^
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