
Jun 25, 2009 23:32

I had the following convo with Scott:

(11:15:05 PM) ixdan: i prefer not to eat animals?
(11:15:12 PM) ixdan: why eat animals when there are alternatives
(11:15:18 PM) ixdan: for the same type of nutrition
(11:15:42 PM) Platdragn: Only if you take pill suplementation...
(11:15:53 PM) ixdan: i take that too
(11:15:59 PM) Platdragn: ::inserts the missing "p"::
(11:16:08 PM) Platdragn: Well, that's the thing...
(11:16:29 PM) Platdragn: If you have to take pills just to keep going, doesn't that kind of suggest the unnaturality of the life choice?
(11:16:30 PM) ixdan: but i used to take pill supp. even when eating meat
(11:16:40 PM) ixdan: it's called multi-vitamins
(11:16:47 PM) ixdan: which is suggested for everyone
(11:16:56 PM) Platdragn: Which are supposed to be obtained through natural means...
(11:17:23 PM) ixdan: meat eaters, vegens, etc, do not get all the vitamins/minerals they should in a day. hence, multi-vitamin.
(11:17:27 PM) Platdragn: I love animals, which is why I am an omnivore...
(11:18:35 PM) Platdragn: I eat vegetables for needed vitamins, but I eat meat to keep the death to a minimum.
(11:18:51 PM) ixdan: hmm?
(11:19:23 PM) ixdan: how so
(11:19:49 PM) Platdragn: One cow can feed me for many days, one plant not even for one meal
(11:21:01 PM) Platdragn: I love animals, and so, in order to be sure that they have more food to eat, I must at times consume some. In this way, as being higher on the food chain, I do not starve them out by deciding to go against the natural order.
(11:22:08 PM) Platdragn: I just don't understand vegetarians. I mean, I can see the reasons for making the choice, but it makes as much sense to me as someone punching a hole in their organs. It's just unnatural.
(11:22:35 PM) Platdragn: I say this when my significant other is a vegetarian.
(11:23:04 PM) Platdragn: I rarely hear a good explanation from vegetarians who made the choice...
(11:23:38 PM) ixdan: Trust me, animals have plenty to eat. The animals we consume, we have farms devoted to their own feeding. What is unnatural is the rate we breed them for the sole purpose of consuming them.
(11:23:50 PM) ixdan: we are talking millions every year
(11:24:04 PM) ixdan: millions within each type of animal, cow, chickens, etc
(11:24:13 PM) Platdragn: Some say "I don't want to kill things" like Ros... to which I say, you are extinguishing hundreds more lives by feeding off of plants. Plus, some minerals must come from animals anyway - see, calcium - and if you eat pills, that is usually boiled down minerals from an animal's corpse, anyway.
(11:25:23 PM) Platdragn: In your case, you love animals, so you don't want to eat them. This similarly makes no sense - you are choosing to consume the same food they are consuming, upsetting a natural balance, and undoubtedly causing an ecological shift. If everyone went vegetarian, what would happen?
(11:25:56 PM) ixdan: the animal husbandry plants would shut down and stop producing them by the millions?
(11:26:38 PM) Platdragn: Elizabeth tells me, she doesn't want to eat meat as a sign of protest against the ways animals are treated in captivity, and this is also pointless. I sympathize, but it accomplishes nothing. Not even lobbying will help.
(11:26:51 PM) ixdan: your argument is weak as it relies on the assumption that the fact that we eat plants as well results in less plants for animals to eat.
(11:27:07 PM) ixdan: there can actually be plenty of land and plants for both us and animals ot eat.
(11:27:37 PM) Platdragn: Humans are simply too ravenous to subsist off of plants. We will completely eradicate the ecosystem if all of us stopped eating meat.
(11:28:09 PM) ixdan: There is plenty of land throughout the world that can sustain farms for the production of palnts for our own consumption.
(11:28:39 PM) ixdan: what is more costly and expensive and a harder strain on our natural resources is producing and sustaining the production of animal livestock for our own consumption.
(11:29:11 PM) Platdragn: Your argument is both weak and illogical, as you are trying to explain that a careful symbiosis between animals known as the food chain can be looped and not have negative ramifications.
(11:30:04 PM) ixdan: animals have predators that will keep their population in check, which nature has done for millions of years, long before we as humans began production of them in the millions for our own food.

Then the fucker logged without a warning.

What do you think of his argument? I just don't agree with it. I think his argument is flawed and his logic doesn't make sense, at least to me. What do you all think?

I mean, he speaks about upsetting the natural order. I think we have already upset any natural order by producing animals in large facilities, through unnatural reproduction means, by injecting them with growth hormones to speed growth, by the hundreds of millions each year. Where's the natural order in that?

If humans want to go into an animal's natural habitat and hunt for food, then that's their choice. But don't remove them from their natural habitat and confined them in cages from infancy and subject them to an industrial production process. They are not inanimate objects. They are alive.
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