I'm an addict.
An online addict.
I've known it for years, but I just can't stay away. Even if i'm not talking to someone, which is most of the time, I'll be doing something online. And just because I'm not on GAIM doesn't mean that I'm not online. . .
I've been able to control it in the past, but lately it has really gotten out of control, which may be the reason why I haven't fared well in some of my classes this semester.
I know if I don't do well in my TAX class, it will not be because it was a hard class. It will be because of this, and it will be completly my fault.
I need get rid of this addiction, or at least control it better.
I really like this song. I can't relate to it that well, but I like to use my imagination. . .
Yasunori Mitsuda: Kokoro