Mar 14, 2006 23:01
this summer weather is really making me want summer more and more.
all right week so far, i guess? it's just really stressful. being suck doesn't help.
i will be student director for one of the spring shows, after all. which one? i don't know. I also won't get get to sit on auditions, which sucks, but whatever.
last show was last saturday. was fun. miss elan is convinced that i am amazing and is doing everything she can to help me get experience and out there and stuff, so I'm going to be singing for her and her son, who was a music theatre/opera major in college and lives in CA, and does shows frequently, and he's going to give me tips? could be weird, but insightful, i suppose.
this weekend should be fun.
hopefully a bit of AE with CD sometime?
Taboo Night Friday night!
helping with music man at the middle school on saturday?
writing position paper saturday WOOOT!
working saturday night at BRHS with zella bella and cam and crew?
Free Sudan Walk/Princeton/Speech with Smeeth and Zeller.
should be a Britt-filled weekend.
so it's not friday WHY?