Alright, so it had taken a great deal less than a few minutes for the nightmare to arrive on--what he hoped was--Dion's doorstep. Not a minute after his last reply had been sent he had ducked out of the Dreaming, much to the dismay of any who might try to look for him later, and knocked on the door with something akin to relief. It would be nice,
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The god opened the door all the way with a casual grin. He reached up and brushed wild curls out of his face before gesturing for Cori to move inside.
"It's good to see you again," he said after a moment. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"
"Sorry for dropping by so early. Three days locked up at home, I just....wanted out."
With quiet laughter, he pushed the other man gently towards the doorway that lead into the kitchen. It was, of course, where he kept most of his alcohol, and it had the double doors that lead out to the terrace.
"I'll give you the grand tour later," he added.
"A living room, a kitchen. Can't see much else worth touring," he said idly, pausing to look out the double doors as he walked by. "....nice view, though."
"I suppose you're right," he muttered, only to perk up and lose the sheepish expression. "I thought so, too. The Italian countryside really isn't so bad from this perspective..."
The god trailed off, then shook his head. "Not that I'll admit to getting over that particular grudge."
He pulled a pair of wide-mouthed wine glasses out of a cupboard and handed one to Cori. Then, he waved towards the wine rack on the table. "Your choice, love."
"A little fancy for casual drinking, isn't it?" he mused, walking over to the table. The nightmare didn't know the first thing about wine, and after a few moments of looking over the various bottles he just picked one at random from the top of the rack.
"Probably not the best decision to leave to me," he replied as he handed the bottle over.
"Unless you want to get as drunk as possible in the shortest amount of time,"he contemplated aloud. Considering what the nightmare had gone through with that virus, it only seemed fair to ignore one of the god's guilty pleasures for a little while longer. He took the wine glass back, and set the bottle back down in its rack.
"Name your poison."
"Henessy? Red Stripe?" Cori looked thoughtfully back out at the countryside, and after a moment he merely shrugged and leaned against the table. "Depends on what you have. At this point, I'll take just about anything, so long as it works fast."
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