
Mar 05, 2008 20:21

Ok. Ok. OK.
There's this website. It's semi-newish, and I saw a link to it on Londonist at one point. It's hitotoki.org. Anyway. Hitotoki is a Japanese word. hito means one and toki means time. The goal is to create a narrative map of a city based on these one moment stories. Singular experiences tied to locations. So, say this one time, you were sitting on a bench somewhere and something interesting happened while you were there, so anytime you're at this place or see things related to this place, it jogs your memory. I think it's all a pretty cool idea. I've always liked stories about places, just everyday types of stories. There's a site for London, New York, Tokyo, and DC.

So I thought, why not. I wrote a 500 word story about tripping on cobblestones and falling on my face on the Strand in London. Today, I got an email from Oli, who is the editor of the London site, saying that they are going use it in the next few weeks!
Now, I don't know how they work. Maybe they just take all the submissions that are sent their way, who knows. Though the stories already on the site are pretty good/fun. The thing that makes me really happy is what this Oli man said about my hitotoki. Firstly, just that it reads very well and that it's nice and different from any of the other things they have already. He also said that usually they would edit things and then send it back so the writer can approve the corrections, but that he doesn't really need to do that with mine. Just a few punctuation things to fix up, really.


I'll be letting you all know when it actually goes up. I'll be like, sort of a published writer. Except you know, not really.

Oh, this is the site:

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