Probably the best thing ever.
Even though I really like Hamlet.
Today Al was like HI NO CLASS so there was no class and all we had to do was hand in our papers. On the board it said "You may hand in your paper. Your only assignment over the break is to consume some substance (i.e. alcohol, cocaine, etc.) and have sex with someone new." I love Piacente.
So Joey and I went to breakfast at Around the Clock! I love that place and its large strawberry pancackes.
Internship time was like, an hour today, which was shweet. Adrienne was sick, so all I had to do was run a deposit up to Paine-Webber.
Tomorrow I have a Hebrew midterm! I am not really scared but I probably should be since I am very bad at Hebrew spelling. But um...I will study a little bit. But Project Runway finale is on tonight and I am feeling otherwise unproductive.
Um...tomorrow I'm going to California! The weather is going to suck, which is disappointing. But oh well, I guess. I just sort of really wish we were going to San Francisco. I love that city. I have these vague not-completely-formed at all ideas of moving their after graduation. Or like, Chicago or some place. I love New York obviously, but I like travelling, I've discovered.
Ok. TV and cadbury mini-eggs are calling me!