Something to think about for all you religeous fanatics out there

Mar 31, 2004 22:35


what the Church will NOT tell you

and does NOT want you to know

The word, "bible," came from BABYLOS, the City of the Great Mother, the
oldest continuously occupied temple in the world. The Goddess (called
Astarte, Baalat, Hathor, etc.) patronized learning and her Priestess
collected a library of paypyrus scrolls. So it came to be that the
Greeks called any papyrus, "byblos," which came to mean any HOLY BOOK.

"OLDER" MYTHS OF THE GODDESS. For example, Joshua's arrest of the sun
was formerly credited to priestess of ISIS, Hecate, and the Thessalian
Great Mother, who were said to stop heavenly bodies in their courses,
thus lengthening the day or night at will. Moses' flowering rod, river
of blood, and tablets of the law were all SYMBOLS OF THE ANCIENT GODDESS.

Moses' miracle of drawing water from a rock was first performed by
Mother Rhea after she gave birth of Zeus, and by Atalanta with the help
of Artemis. Moses' miracle of drying up waters to travel dry-shod was
earlier performed by Isis, or Hathor, on her way to BYBLOS !

their view of the Bible as intrinsically different from other ancient
scriptures, and that it was "dictated word for word BY GOD" instead of
collected slowly, rewritten and miswritten, revised and reworked over
and over again BY HUMAN BEINGS for a very long time!

According to prevailing myth, THE OLD TESTAMENT WAS SUPPOSE TO HAVE BEEN
Eleaszar, a Jewish high priest, in the 3rd century BC., hence its name,
Septuagint. Ptolemy then locked the scholars in individual cells on the
island, Pharos, where each one made his own Greek version in exactly 72
days. Interestingly, each translation was to agree exactly, in every
word, with the other 71 translations. Well, this never happened.

A collection appeared in the 1st century BC and again in the 1st century
AD that were accepted by the Jews of the Diaspora as sacred and passed
on to the Christians. While in the hands of the Jews and Christians, the
papyri underwent many changes. In the 4th century A.D., St. Jerome
collected some Hebrew manuscripts and edited them to produce the Latin
Vulgate, a Bible of considerable inaccuracy, differing markedly from
Jerome's stern texts.

The KING JAMES BIBLE relied mostly on a Greek text collected and edited
by Erasmus, in the 16th century, which in turn relied on a Byzantine
collection assembled gradually at Constantinople between the 4th-8th

A few older texts have been discovered, namely, the Codex Sinaitcus, the
Codex Vaticanus, the Codex Alexandrinus, and the Chester Beatty papyri.
It's interesting to note that ALL differ from one another and from the
King James version. There are no known portions of the Bible older than
the 4th century AD.

The Revised Version of the NEW TESTAMENT (published in 1881) tried to
correct some of the more glaring errors.

For example, it erased the final twelve verses of Mark, which were late
interpolations, including the words that caused centuries of suffering:
"He hath believeth not shall be damned."

It eliminated the fraudulent translation, "Joseph and his mother,"
intended to preserve the dogma of the VIRGIN BIRTH, and restored the
original "his father and his mother."

It omitted the forged interpolation intended to preserve the dogma of
the Trinity: "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the
Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one." These
words appeared nowhere BEFORE the 15th century AD. However, the
Christian Church insisted on retaining the forgery!


The Churchmen argued that if the verses were interpolation (changed by
introducing new or false information) "could the Holy Spirit, who guides
and directs the Church, have allowed her to regard this lofty
affirmation of the Trinity as authentic, and permitted its insertion in
the official edition of the sacred books?" Well, apparently not - in
1897, the Congregation of the Index, with the approval of Pope Leo XIII,
forbid any further research into the origins of the text!

To make matters worse, the Church forbade not only research but also the
reading of the Bible by laymen! Throughout the Middle Ages, possession
of a Bible written in the vernacular was a crime punished by "burning at
the stake!"

With Reformation, Bible-reading came in search of a new basis for faith,
and in the process, many new grounds of skepticism emerged.

Richard Simon (author of the 17th-century "Critical History of the Old
Testament") exhibited that the books of Moses were NOT written by Moses
but were a compilation by many hands at a much later date! Subsequently,
Bishop Bossuet drove the Richard Simon out of the Oratory and ordered
the entire first edition of his book burned.

Dr. Alexander Geddes, a Catholic scholar, translated the Old Testament
in 1792, proving the Pentateuch could not have been written by Moses,
nor at any time prior to the reign of David. Subsequently, he was
denounced as "a would-be corrector of the Holy Ghost."

As the years passed, it became increasingly clear that the Holy Ghost
needed correcting. What followed were more examples of censorship and
denouncements. In 1860, Seven clerical scholars published Essays and
Reviews, defining the new science of Bible criticism. All were denounced
and two were suspended from office, but the two who were suspended from
office, took their case to court and won!

In 1869 Kuenen's The Religion of Israel established Bible criticism as a
valid field of investigation. He was followed by many others in Holland,
Germany and France. In 1889, the book of biblical essays Lux Mundi
refuted the scripture's historicity or divine inspiration, admitting
that the Bible is a "mass of myth, legend, and garbled history, often
contradicting provable facts."

Needless to say, these scholars caused great grief to the Church. Many
Churchmen insisted that the Bible's only author was God. But had they
read the Bible closely enough, they would have seen where God had
contracted himself.

One reason ORGANIZED RELIGION insisted on maintaining the literal
interpretation of biblical myth was because they had an economic
interest at stake.

The theologians complained that viewing the Bible as myth would destroy
the very structure their livelihood and self-respect depended upon. In
other words, they would be out of a job!

David Straus's Leben Jesu disposed the historicity of the Gospel
stories, Renan's Vie de Jesus showed that the Gospels canNOT be taken as
literal truth but only as romantic symbolism, and the list goes on.
These published works compelled the Rev. Maurice Jones to exclaim, "If
the Christ-Myth theory is true, and if Jesus never lived, the whole
civilized world has for close upon 2000 years lain under the spell of a

The more intelligent orthodoxed theologians had to know the Bible was
full of myths and legends, they just had no idea of their meaning. If
they had studied the corresponding myths and legends of other cultures -
ancient paganism, modern mysticism, the non-Christian beliefs of people
both civilized and uncivilized throughout the rest of the world - they
would have realized the Bible shared the same myths and legends.

DIVINITY, and the dieties of all other people throughout the world were
devils. They professed that the myths of the Bible were absolutely true,
whereas all other myths were absolutely false. The Christian
missionaries were, and to a large degree still a scary group. The
Christian missionaries not only falsely preached that THEIR way was the
ONLY way, their arrogant vandalism of other cultures proved their way
was also self-righteous!

figurines, statues, forbid the singing of songs and poems of heathen
tradition instead of listening and recording them in order so that they
may understand the people while paying respect for what they held
sacred. Had they listened and learned, they would have discovered the
mythology of the Bible, for nearly all civilizations in the world shared
the same fables of the creation, the flood, the magical garden of the
Tree of Life, the wise serpent, the heaven-piercing tower, the divided
waters, the chosen people, the virgin mothers, the saviors and all the
rest. Both testaments of the Bible are recent corrupt derivations from a
world-wide cycle of archetypal myths.

The righteous Christians' awe of the Bible rested on a foundation of
magical superstition. Legal oaths were taken in physical contact with
the Bible because of a very primitive belief in the destructive mana,
which would automatically punish perjurors. This practice led to the
procedure of laying one's hand on the Bible when taking an oath in a
court of law.

Both Jews and Christians used their Bible for divination, just as a
witch might use a crystal ball, or an African might use a thunder-stone,
or a Roman augur might use the sacred chickens. Although bibliomancy
(taking omens from the Bible) was sometimes deplored, from the 4th to
the 14th centuries this was repeatedly practiced by Kings, Bishops, and
Saints. To this day, in Europe and America, the Bible is still used to
give omens.

Despite the many discoveries and clarifications that have been made by
biblical scholars within the last 100 years, the average Christian's
attitude toward the Bible is no more sophisticated than simple-minded
magic. Churchmen see to it that their congregation are NOT told the true
origins of the biblical myths. The real explanations of the sources of
these stories (which have been uncovered by the careful researches of
the higher critics) is seldom mentioned, if at all.

Traditional views of the Bible origins and meanings are doggedly
preserved by male chavinists; the canonical books were deliberately
selected and edited to wipe out all the feminine images of divinity and
saction religious suppression of women.

One of the erroneous notions that keep women shackled to their
Bible-based "inferior" image is that Christianity was founded on the New
Testament, when in fact the early churches had NO Gospels but rather
created and produced their own!

The churchmen falsely pretended there was an apostolic origin of their
scriptures and weeded out all references to female authority or
participation in Christian origins. Only the forbidden Gnostic Gospels
retained hints that Jesus had 12 female disciples corresponding to the
12 male disciples, or that Mary Magdalene was the leader of them all!
These things the Church does NOT want you to know about. Betide those
who read the Gnostic Gospels.

Saint Jerome openly admitted that his co-authors of the Vulgate were two
learned women; but later scholars erased the women's names and
substituted the words, "venerable brothers."


"The Women's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets"
by Barbara G. Walker

Furthermore, in 325 AD, the Council of Nicea convened and decided what
they thought the common masses were capable of understanding. They chose
what to canonize and what to include as the "word of God" in the Bible.
Arguments ensued and sections of the bible were edited and deleted,
detrimental to their interpretation.

Additionally, the scholars who composed the King James version of the
New Testament admitted to "a minimum of 77,000 translational errors, and
these errors excluded the more ancient Hebrew of the Old Testament,
which would include an even more embarrassing number of direct
translational errors, as each Hebrew letter stands for a whole concept
in and off itself with no comparison to the limited and stifled English

Other disturbing matters: the Beatitudes were found word-for-word within
the Dead Sea Scrolls of Qumran...many New Testament passages were found
within the older Nag Hammadi text - some directly quoting Ancient
Egyptian passages - which proves the authors of the Bible were
profoundly influenced by many older sources/cultures.

Source: XD888

Now you know the rest of the story; the story the Church will NOT tell
you and does NOT want you to know.

I know this may be upsetting to many, but these are the facts and these
facts are undisputable. You can close your eyes and ears to these facts
and live the remainder of your life in denial, or, you can open your
mind to the Truth and begin to think for yourself.

The Bible is NOT the book you have been trained to believe.
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