May 27, 2010 22:24
I've realized looking at my past two entries that I like to make lists of pros and cons, good and bad. I think it's because that's really how I handle my life. Otherwise I would wind myself up around these bad things, unable to let go, and kind of create a cocoon for myself in there. And trust me, I wouldn't come out a butterfly. So these lists help me realize how much the good outweighs the bad and how things always balance out. Even if something tremendously terrible seemed to fall upon you off a skyscraper, there's something good weighting just around the corner.
In this thought process, I decided to start writing about the things that I'm grateful for. They might be small, they might be big, they might be completely dependent on that day. Any way it turns out I'm going to appreciate the things in life that I have right here.
First off, because I need to get my cliche mush out of the way, I'm going to write about my boyfriend.
Especially because I have no idea how he puts up with me sometimes.
Just today he went with me to the gym and rather than focusing on himself right away he taught me different things and helped me with the free weights. I had never done them before and he'd obsessed over them in high school (thanks to a weight lifting class he opted to take instead of regular gym). Not only did he help me, but he had this plethora of knowledge to tell me about how muscles work and what isolates certain areas.
Then anytime I get frustrated or angry at something else he's always there for me. Which is a big deal, because I tend to just explode when I'm around people I'm comfortable with... which might make it seem like I'm angry at them. I know, I'm not easy to deal with in this situation. And he tries to help, and sometimes I just seem to make it impossible to help me. I just whine and yell and do stupid things. Oh, but he sticks in there. He deals with the agony of silence to fix things with me so we can talk it out. He listens to me try to explain myself and tries to make sense of it in relation to how he saw it. He just breaks down my insane emotions into much more logical thinking.
He teaches me a lot too. About people, life, DnD, food, chemistry, random things like that. Despite my absurd ramblings about whatever I had heard or been trained to think through my upbringing, he tries to teach me.
As much as I can get frustrated about him not thinking things through or forgetting about this or that or something - it doesn't matter in the end.
Because no matter what I go through, he reminds me that it's all okay at the end of the day when we can hold each other and just laugh.
That's what really matters, right?
- Mollie