Title: Filling Up That Empty Hole
Author: Liv
Fandom: CSI:NY
Claim: Don Flack/Truly Pack (OC)
fic_cd_mix Prompt: Breath- Breaking Benjamin
Word Count: 1005
Rating: FRT
Warnings: N/A
Disclaimer: I own Truly Pack, so don’t use her without permission, CSI:NY on the other hand...
Author's Notes: I loved this. You got happiness and angst all in one.
Link to table:
table This will be all over soon
Pour the salt into the open wound
Is it over yet?
Let me in
Truly groaned and rolled over in bed. Her phone was ringing at...3 in the morning. Who was up calling her at three in the morning when they knew they would get bitched out? Truly reached over and picked up her cell phone, squinting at the caller id and swearing.
"What, Danny?" she asked irritably, running her hand through her knotted hair.
"I’m sorry to wake you-"
"If you call me ma’am I’ll beat you," said Truly, yawing heavily. "Pregnant or not, I can still kick your ass."
"T-Pack, then,"
Truly smirked into her phone, listening to Danny shift uncomfortably on the other line. "Flack was shot."Truly’s cell slipped out of her hand and hit the floor with a soft snap. She was staring off into space, and could barely hear was Danny was saying anymore.
"Truly? He’s fine, the shooting happened...actually, not too far from your place. He wasn’t hurt badly, just....Truly? You there still?" Truly leaned over her bed and scooped her phone off the ground, holding it to her ear quickly as her heart rate sped up.
"What do you mean he was shot?" she asked, her voice slightly higher than it normally was.
"I said he was fine-"
"Nobody’s fine after they’ve been shot. Where are you?"
"You commin’ to visit?"
"Just tell me where you are," growled Truly, clambering out of bed and grabbing a coat out of her closet, realizing as she pulled on a pair of boots that it was Don’s coat. Danny rattled off his location and truly hung up on him as he started to tell her it wasn’t necessary that she came.
"Bullshit it isn’t necessary," she muttered, pushing her hair out of her face and straightening the coat over her belly as she grabbed her keys so she could head out of her apartment. "My foot up your ass, that’s what’s necessary."
Danny was bouncing on the balls of his feet as he waited for Truly to get there. Don had specifically told him that he didn’t want Truly to worry, but Danny didn’t listen. Actually Lindsay didn’t listen, she’d started calling Truly and Danny had taken his phone away from her at the last minute and told her that if Don asked, it was her fault Truly was bitchy.
Truly didn’t really care that she was wake at three in the morning. She’d never been so awake in her life. She pushed through the crowed of people standing around the crime scene, ignoring shoves and people shouting at her to stay back.
"Excuse me, ma’am?" Truly rolled her eyes and turned towards and officer patrolling the yellow tape and shot him a sarcastic smile. "Ma’am, I’m afraid you’re going to have to step back."
"Oh, that’s so cute," said Truly, placing her hands on her hips and leaning forward slightly. "Do you really think I’d be up at three in the morning just to look at a crime scene?"
"Hey, O’Mally," Truly and the officer looked over as Danny walked up to them, looking the officer like he was insane, Truly just smirked at him. "What the hell are you doin’? C’mon, Truly."
"Where’s Don?" asked Truly, ducking under the tape and following Danny, who placed his hand on her back, leading her through the CSI’s and detectives.
"He’s over there," said Danny, pointing over at an ambulance, parked in the middle of the street. Truly thanked him and walked quickly towards the ambulance, pushing past Stella who opened her mouth to say something as Truly walked by.
Don looked up from the sling his arm was in, sensing somebody walking up to him. His mouth nearly dropped as he watched Truly walk up to him, looking extremely scared.
"Don!" she said softly, relief in her voice as she spotted him. Don stood up, only to be plowed back down as Truly through her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.
"Truly?" asked Don breathlessly, wrapping an arm around her waist and looking down at her. "What are you doing here?"
"Danny called and said you were shot," muttered Truly, closing her eyes tightly as tears welled up in her eyes. "My apartment’s right down the street, I practically ran here."
"Danny called you?" asked Don, looking up at Danny, who was standing a few feet away. Danny shook his head and pointed at Lindsay, who rolled her eyes and went back to tagging bullet casings. "Okay, that makes more sense."
"What does?" asked Truly, pulling away from Don slightly, and looking up at him. Don shook his head and reached up, pushing hair out of Truly’s face.
"Nothing, Danny’s just a genius," Truly snorted and buried her face back into Don’s neck. Don looked up at Danny who was looking thoroughly put out and shrugged.
"I’m so glad your okay," Truly whispered, running her hand around the back of Don’s neck, racking her nails gently on the skin there.
"I’m fine," said Don, pulling back a bit and placing his unbound hand on Truly’s hip. "I’ve had worse."
"You’re going to be the death of me," muttered Truly, sliding her hand over his shoulder gently. She sniffed and blinked back tears as Don leaned in and kissed her cheek.
Danny looked over as Stella walked up to him, shaking her head as they watched the couple in front of them.
"Not in love my ass," said Stella scoffing making Danny nod in agreement.
"He’s becoming just as nuts as she is," muttered Danny. "He told me and Lindsay not call Truly."
"How’d she find out then?" asked Stella, looking over at Danny who was shaking his head in disgust.
"Lindsay’s started calling her."
"Good thing you stopped her, then we’d have two crime scenes."
"Tell me about it," muttered Danny, turning back to look at Truly and Don. Don shot him and look and mouth ‘thank you’. "Maybe we should be glad she did though."
"Why’s that?"
"‘Cause then we couldn’t stand here and gossip about them."
"Huh...good point."
You take the breath right out of me
You left a hole where my heart should be
You got to fight just to make it through
‘Cause I will be the death of you
-BREATH by Breaking Benjamin