(no subject)

Oct 06, 2011 15:52

Few things. First and most amusing, I have been invited to landofart, and I know a few people on my flist who are part of the comm, so I am considering joining.

Second. Warehouse 13 finale. I won't say anything about it except that I'm waiting until next year to cry. Also, I totally knew that thing about Jinks that he was doing but couldn't tell Claudia about.

Third, Frank Turner concert on Monday. I'm excited, it's gonna be awesome.

And lastly, I was let go of one of my jobs because they had a girl who was friends of the family who wanted a job. Now, I get that they wanted to accomidate for her, but let me make myself very clear: I switched my school schedual around for this resturant. I am paying more money for an education that would have been finished next month instead of next yesr for this resturant. I learned a new menu, hours, made friends and commitments to this resturant and I don't even get two weeks notice that I'm being let go? Whatever. I don't need it.

I'm good.

Caught up with some shows, like Doctor Who, and How I Met Your Mother. Need to start watching the Fades, because Joe Dempsie was in the last episode and I need to stalk him. My brain hasn't been working all week, otherwise I would list more things that I need to do. Seriously, I feel like just sleeping all weekend. I went to bed at 7:30 last night. Crazyness.

work, journal

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