(no subject)

Apr 07, 2011 15:12

Halfway through work I became bouncy, talkative and helpful. my first thought?

Crap I'm on my period.

My body is so amusing, instead of getting bitchy and agressive, I become jittery and pleasent. It's just hilarious.

Starting my period soon, getting my tattoo on Saturday, saw Source Code last night with Shelby and her friend Bixby.

Source Code was better than I thought it would be. Shelby nit-picked the smallest things, like why she would wear a camesole, a scarf, a sweater, a mini skirt and tights? Bixby and I pointed out that Shelby wouldn't wear the tights and she shut up.

But year, alternate universes. Goodwin was a good character, the kind of character that had enough depth to be made into fanfiction. And she was pretty.

Watched Whip It yesterday. I really like that movie, roller derby is awesome, and I would love to try it, except I'm a wuss. I have seen a real live roller derby match(?) and it was way awesome.

In class now, waiting for it to start. Suddenly want to write Bleach fic, but we'll see. I do have to review for the test tomorrow, but we'll see where my inspiration get's me.

I have a complete outline of where I want both my Firefly/Supernatural!BSG fusion and Merlin big bangs to go. I might drop my Doctor/Claudia fic, just because I don't feel I can do them justice. Also I have no plot.

That's all. Might post later to gush about my tattoo. late.


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