I found you but now you're not even here | not even here

Mar 11, 2011 16:45

Since apparently this didn't post when I wrote it yesterday
Olivia is dedward...ugh.

I'm going to make an acutal update on my life, how exciting. /sarcasm

I hadn't wanted to mention it, because whenever I'm excited about something and tell a bunch of people because I'm happy, I end up not being able to do it. That's my luck, I jynx myself. So I always try to be as disinterested as possible, and not tell anyone and pass it off like I don't care. It doesn't always work...but I'm getting better at not telling people.

This is a sort of big one. Because not only did I not tell you guys (which I would normally do), but I didn't tell my rl friends either. My brother doesn't even really know what's going on, but he doesn't count.

If you don't know, I went to U of A last semester (insert whining and procrastination here), pretty much failed at life and unenrolled (I feel like the term drop out, means to cut yourself off from your family and become like...a hobo in France or something). My dad, being fed up with my inability to commit or care in the least (my mom's explained his personality perfectly: He'll float around in life and then just wake up one day and FREAK THE FUCK OUT because things haven't done what he wanted them too in his floaty-time. I've inherited the floaty from dad~but the logic to actually do things from my mom) pretty much told me that I had to do this, this and that or I would be out.

I ignored him.
He forgot.

links were sent, one of them was for the Bryman School (some sort of medical school, I'm still not sure what it is...), so I sent a request for information. Litterally five minute later I got a call from them and was asked to come down for information.

The Next Day...
I was enrolled. I was kind of like wtf? because it took three months to be accepted from U of A.

One Month Later...
(and a shit ton of Bleach and Naruto episodes)
Here I am, almost done with my first week enrolled in the Medical Billing and Coding program.

I ALSO HAVE A JOB. (as of yesterday)

I am also volunteering at Recording for the Blind and Dislexic.
I have to drive thirty minutes for each 'event'.
So for the last week I've been driving, wearing scrubs, lookin cool, watchin' Naruto (Gaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrraaaaa ♥)

Need to catch up with the rest of my shows, need to tell my friends what I'm doing, don't want to update facebook about it because blaaaargh.

that's what's happening. I'm on a break from class atm (3 1/2 hour class every day, but only one class, half hour break from 4.30 to 5)

Also, have you guys heard this song? Love it. Addicted to the video.

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music, journal, school

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