First, I have to shake my fist at
afteriwake for subconsciously forcing me to watch Bleach. le sigh. Not really something I need to do right now, but hey, Kipp's seen all the anime, figure it was time for me to catch up and add to the list of anime I watch/need to finish/have seen.
Of course, anime makes me want to watch Oran Host Club, which makes me want to read porn, and in turn, makes me miss Noodle. She needs to come back home so we can watch yaoi together.
Second, work was busy. From 5-6:30 it was not. Not at all. In fact it was dead. We have folded and tied enough napkins to last us until Thursday (we go through napkins fast like). And...that's about it...I'm going to find food to eat and watch Bleach. Tomorrow I'm going to get up early, take a shower and watch Bleach. Wednesday I'm going to get up early...and watch Bleach.