spn/ff - Help, I'm Alive 7/?

Dec 24, 2009 15:12

Title: Help, I’m Alive 7/?
Author: Liv
Fandom: Supernatural/Firefly
Characters: all of the above
30-kisses Prompt: 28. Wada Calcium CD3
Rating: R
Warnings: general spoilers.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Supernatural or Firefly. Any characters you don’t recognize are original and should not be used without my permission.
Author’s Note: this could be confusing, because it does jump from Supernatural to Firefly, but hopefully it all works well.
part 1|part 2|part 3| part 4|part 5|part 6

River woke up with blood on her pillow, staining her cheek and coating her hair. She groaned into cotton and turned into her pillow, moving her arms around her stomach and curling into her knees to try and stop the splitting ache against her ribs. She had gotten to see Sam, that was what mattered, and next time she would take so much, next time Dean wouldn’t be there. Her lips were swollen from a kiss she clearly remembered being dream-like.

“River?” Simon’s voice from outside the door startled her, jerking at her locked door with his hand. She could feel him frowning and turned her head to the side, sweaty faced and teary eyed, blinking through pain and the residual warmth from the drug.

River squeezed her eyes shut as she moved slowly out of bed, biting her bottom lip to keep herself from crying out in pain. She leaned her shoulder against her bedroom door, no energy to open it and face Simon, not with blood dried across her face and bloodshot eyes.

“I was asleep,” said River softly.

“You were crying.” River dropped her head, tightening her arms around her waist protectively.

“I was dreaming.”

“Of the Academy,” asked Simon, moving closer to the rice paper door, his forehead brushing against it. “Did you remember anything?”

“No,” she breathed, she lied. Tears leaked out of her eyes, sliding uncomfortably down her chin. “It doesn’t change.”


“I’m tired,” interrupted River, watching Simon’s shadow carefully. He sighed.

“I know. Dinner will be ready soon. Do you think you can eat something, mei mei?” she was starving, but there was little chance she would be able to keep it down. River move a hand from her waist and wiped tears from her face.


Simon felt proud, relieved and he left her door and River felt relieved. Her knees cracked against the floor as she dropped, curling forward and breathing through her nose, willing the pain to go away, to just go away. The pain subsided slowly and she was able to stand up, moving a mirror Inara had left on a desk next to her bed. She wiped her blood off her face with a glass of water (who knew how long it had been there) and her ripped up dress, found that the blood was caked along her neck and soaked into her dress. She changed into something blue and brushed her hair behind her ears with her fingers.

She thought of Sam and her heart ached. She closed her eyes and wished for him and left her room.

Sam slammed his fist into his brothers face and swore at him, storming out of Bobby’s house and slamming the screen shut behind him. He was infuriated, he felt betrayed…he made it halfway across the junkyard before the pain in his chest sent him to his knees. A rock sliced open a hole in his jeans when he hit the ground, but it didn’t matter. Sam sat back on his heels and stared at the ground, breathing hard because it hurt so badly.

“Sam!” he closed his eyes, moving his hand up to his face and pushing the hair out of his eyes. Dean grabbed him by the elbow and jerked him to his feet, making him stumble and step back. There was a bruise forming across Dean’s cheek. Bobby was standing behind him, looking bewildered and pissed off. Sam snarled, jerking his arm out of Dean’s hand.

“What the hell was that about?” growled Bobby. “Huh? What the hell’s going-”

“You fucked everything up, Dean,” shouted Sam, interrupting Bobby. Dean took a step back, glaring.

“Explain to me how this is my fault!” Dean shouted back. “How it’s my fault some succubus has to wound so tightly under her spell-”

“Succubus?” cried Sam, his eyebrows disappearing beneath his hairline, his mouth hanging open in shock for a few second before he blinked out of his stupor. “You think River is a succubus!?”

“You do know what a succubus is right?” asked Bobby, earning a look from both Sam and Dean. Which he ignored. “Dean told me about what’s been going on with you, I’m sorry son, but he had legitimate proof.”

“She’s not a succubus,” hissed Sam, taking a step closer to Dean. “She’s a real person.”

“She’s a figment of your imagination, Sam,” said Dean slowly through gritted teeth. Sam sighed, the anger draining out of him because he knew she wasn’t, he knew she wasn’t.

“She’s not, Dean,” said Sam softly. “She’s like me, Dean. She’s special.”

Bobby closed his eyes, nodding slowly. “Psychic.”

“She lives five hundred years in the future.”

Dean snorted. “Psychic I can believe, but an alien?”

Bobby interrupted what were soon to be the beginnings of a bitch fest by stepping forward, sending Dean a stern look. “Let’s go inside, talk about this. Sam, you look like hell, why don’t you get some sleep.”

“I’m not tired,” mumbled Sam., pushing past Dean and Bobby, heading back to the house. The older men stared after him.

“You hungry?”

A chorus of laughter filled the dinning room, the candlelight on the table flickering shadows across their faces. They were telling funny stories, Wash was talking about flight school- but River wasn’t listening. She was staring at her empty plate, fighting down nausea and sleepiness. The pain was gone. Bile rose up in her throat and River pushed herself away from the table, standing up abruptly.

“River?” she pressed the back of her wrist against her mouth, backing away from the table and knocking over her chair. Simon stood up quickly, reaching out to grab her. Book stood up too. River doubled over, retching against her hand.

“River!” Inara stood up quickly, moving her arms around River, holding the girl against her. She looked up at Simon, concerned. “What’s going on?”

“Is it a side effect of the drugs?” asked Book, moving into the kitchen to grab a pan, setting it on the counter for Simon to grab. He took it in time to catch River throwing up. He frowned.

“Oh god, that’s blood,” said Kaylee, bringing her hand to her mouth. “That can’t be good.”


She pushed Simon’s hand away, pulled away from Inara, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. He bare feet caught against the metal flooring, making her stumble backwards. Simon straightened slowly, reaching for her. “River, this is serious. This could be the cause of the medication.”

“That the same medication been making her better?” asked Mal. Simon turned his head to look at him.

“No. No it hasn’t been making her better. I haven’t seen her long enough to know if it’s been making a difference. She’s been in her room for weeks, I…River,” he turned, staring accusingly at his sister. “How long has this been going on?”

“You don’t care about that,” said River softly, shaking her head at him, eyes filling with tears and breathing in what he meant to say. You’re lying to me. And I wont put up with it for much longer. She backed away from the kitchen table, where everyone by Jayne was looking at her. She blinked back angry tears.

“River, I need to take a blood sample. This could be serious-” River was already shaking her head, backing away from Simon, tears falling down her face.

“No. No more tests, no more needles, no more asking me if I’m okay!”

“Gorram it, girl, just go with your brother,” growled Jayne, pushing away from the table, throwing his fork down onto his plate and wrapping an arm around her waist, lifting her off the ground. River fought as best she could against him, but he held on like a vice, moving past Simon and Inara (staring at him in mild horror). Mal followed him as Jayne walked to the infirmary, his face stony.

Simon was quick to snap out of his stupor and hurried around Jayne, grabbing things he needed in order to get River compliant. “Put her on the chair.”

River screamed. She sobbed. Jayne managed to get her into the chair and hold her legs down, while Mal fought against her, pinning her arms to her sides.

“Hold her still!” shouted Simon, pulling the cap of a pressure syringe off with his teeth, holding it against River’s neck, trying not to look at her face, to see the betrayal…

Simon bit back a sigh of relief as River’s head fell limply to the side, backing away from the chair and setting the syringe down on the counter behind him. Mal was staring at River.

“I gotta say, Doc. I don’t really mind River out of the way as she has been. You’re concern is noted, but she seems happier that she has been these last few months. I’m not sure what’s going on in her head, don’t think she knows much herself, but it’s made her calmer.”

“With all do respect, Captain,” started Simon, shuffling through a drawer for a needle to collect blood. “River is my sister, and throwing up blood isn’t something I can just ignore.”

Mal nodded and backed away from the unconscious girl while Simon returned to her side. “This should tell us how the medication has affecter her.”

“Who knows how these things work, Dean. But they happen.”

“I just want proof. That’s all. If this isn’t something evil and it is a psychic girl from the future invading Sam’s dreams, I wanna know why it’s happening.”

“Missouri Mosley.”


“You’re father talked to her, she’s pretty powerful. She’ll tell you what’s true.”

“I think Dad wrote about her in his journal,” muttered Dean, reaching into his bag and pulling out the used binder, flipping through a few pages. “Here. ‘I went to Missouri and I learned the truth.’”

“How come you’ve never mention this before?” asked Sam, leaning forward with his arm outstretched to take the journal from Dean, who shrugged.

“I always thought he was talking about the state.”

“So…Missouri?” asked Sam, looking sideways at Bobby. “She can tell us what’s going on?”

“She’ll point you in the right direction,” said Bobby, pulling out his phone and dialing a number. “I’ve been craving Chinese food for the past three days, you boys want anything?”

“This is impossible,” muttered Simon, staring at the results of the blood sample he’d taken from River. He turned sharply, catching the attention of Shepherd Book, who was standing over River, staring down at her.

“What’s impossible, son?” he asked, moving around the chair River was lying in and standing next to Simon, staring at the monitor on the wall. Simon pointed at the spike on the chart.

“These levels of progesterone in her blood stream,” said Simon softly, frowning at the evidence in front of him. “It’s not a side effect from the medicine I’ve been giving her. Nor are the mood swings. She needed calcium and I‘ve given her a supplement-”

“What are you saying, son?” Simon looked over his shoulder, staring at his unusually pale little sister. She looked so peaceful and yet it troubled him that it wouldn’t last for long. When she woke up, she wouldn’t trust him, never again.

“She’s pregnant.”

part 8

supernatural, firefly, sam winchester, crossover, river tam

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