dark angel - Instincts 4/?

May 20, 2009 18:05

Title: Instincts 4/?
Author: Liv darkmagic_luvr
Fandom: Dark Angel
Characters: Max, Alec, Renfro
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Spoilers through season two. AU through Designate This.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Dark Angel. Any characters you don’t recognize are original and should not be used without my permission.
Author’s Note: Written as part of my alphabet meme for jazmin22, the prompt was ‘instinct’. This couldn’t be contained in a one shot, so it’ll be multi-chaptered. First Dark Angel fic.
Summery: There was really only one way he could keep both their asses safe, he just didn't think she'd kiss him back.
part 1| part 2|part 3

Renfro was just sitting at her desk, working on paperwork, minding her own business when she was interrupted by one of the training gaurds. He stood at attention and explained a fight between two transgenic in the yard. Renfro sighed and waved the information away.

“What are their designations?”

“It was X5-494 and X5-452, Ma’am.”

Renfro closed her eyes and groaned inwardly. Of course it was. “And?”


“Were either 494 or 452 injured during the fight?”

“X5-494 was sent to the infirmary. X5-452 is in isolation,” Renfro rolled her eyes.

“When 494 has been released from the infirmary put his in isolation as well.”

“Very well, Ma’am.”

“The cell across from 452. I want to observe them and how their claim has manifested.”

The guard saluted and took his leave. Renfro sat back in her chair, opening the file she had on 452, rereading it for the hundredth time. She’d practically memorized it. It was remarkable really, the prototype X series was the one they were looking. Sandeman had told her that she was the key.

Well, duh.

Problem was, he also said she was just part of it, a very important part, but still only a part. He laughed at her, actually laughed, when she asked what the other part was. Apparently he thought the end of the world was freaking hilarious.

Well, fuck him.

Renfro frowned, still staring at 452’s medial write up, and trying to think like Sandeman. Well, thinking was the right word. Closing her eyes and pointing at something was more appropriate. Propping the file up on her lap she reached for her phone, dialing down to the infirmary.

“I’d like a medical write up of X5-494 sent up to my office as soon as possible,” she said, still staring at the file in front of her. She waited for her orders to be confirmed before hanging up.

“What the hell are you playing at, Sandeman?”


Alec was sitting on the floor of his cell with his back to the heavy iron door, trying to ignore Max’s voice filtering in through the observation window. He was the fucking victim in this mess, he shouldn’t have been shut up in isolation with Max across the fucking hall. His concentration on ignoring Max wavered slightly and he caught the tail end of what had to be a fantastically bitchy rant.

“-so don’t even try it again.”

Alec waited for a minute. “Are you done?” he asked, feeling hopeful and sounding disinterested.

“Buddy, I haven’t even started-”

“Chill out,” Alec shouted, drowning out whatever it was she was going to say. “Why don’t you take this time to appreciate life and the fact that you weren’t kicked in the balls by a transgenic super bitch.”

“Excuse me?”

“Pretty sure ya heard me, Maxie.”

“Don’t call me that!” Alec smirked.

“What’s the problem, Maxie? Did I touch a nerve?”

“Don’t call me that, Ben!”

Alec froze and heard Max suck in a breath, horrified. He could feel the rage coming from her cell disappear like someone flipped a switch. He knew about Ben. He knew the relationship his twin and Max had had as children. Before ‘09 he’d had the same relationship with 453. But that was before they were sent into PsyOps and split up. She didn’t even recognize him anymore.

It felt unnatural for both of them to be silent. It made him uncomfortable.

“Max?” called Alec, unsettled after going so long without hearing her voice.

“What?” he wanted…damnit he wanted to tell her that he missed her. That he missed the sound of her voice, the feel of her skin, her glares. He sighed and closed his eyes.

“Nothing,” muttered Alec. Probably a better idea that he kept his mouth shut about missin’ her.

“Oh.” and he could have sworn she sounded disappointed.


“What about her heats?”

“The medication she was taking after her heart transplant for a quicker recovery suppressed her heats. She should be back on her regular cycle in the next month.”

“Good. And 494?”

“He’s healthy. Remarkably healthy. If it weren’t for his seizures and X5-493 I’d want to do tests on him.”

“His compatibility with 452? The committee is extremely persistent for a child between the two of them. Natural ways or otherwise.”

“We always knew 494, 452 and their twins were compatible.”

“Very well. You may go.”


part 4| part 5| part 6| part 7| part 8

dark angel, x5-494: alec, x5-452: max

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