spn/ff - Help, I'm Alive 4/?

May 10, 2009 16:08

Title: Help, I’m Alive 4/?
Author: Liv darkmagic-luvr
Fandom: Supernatural/Firefly
Characters: Simon, River, Mal, Dean, Sam
30-shinyfics Prompt: 1. Red
Rating: R
Warnings: general spoilers.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Supernatural or Firefly. Any characters you don’t recognize are original and should not be used without my permission.
part 1|part 2|part 3

“Mal, I’m worried about River.”

“She’s been acting a bit stranger than usual.”

“I thought she was doing better. This medication is making her more-”

“Normal. She’s been sleeping better?”

“She’s also been sleeping longer. Like she’s depressed when she’s awake. She wont even play with Kaylee.”

“It’s not a side effect of the medication?”


“What’s he talking about, River?”

River didn’t turn around, she knew Sam was standing behind her, watching the conversation between Mal and Simon that she’d heard earlier in the day. She’d been playing it over and over again, watching her brother’s face twist up in concern, her captain’s face stony and wary, just in case he’d have to toss the Tam’s out the airlock just to finally be rid of them.


“That’s you’re brother?” Sam nodded to the cleaner looking one. River smiled proudly.



“They’re worried about me.”

“You seem fine to me,” she felt a blush rise up her cheeks and a sensation that was becoming increasingly familiar when he slid his hands across her hips. Simon and Mal continued talking, moving away down the hall. The scene fizzled and started to reply again.

“Mal, I’m worried about River.”

“My brother lied to me,” said Sam softly. “When he came back from Bobby’s. He lied to me.”

“He’s worried too,” said River, staring at her brother’s mouth move, though the sound was gone. It was just the whirr of the engine and Sam’s voice and her voice left to hear. “He doesn’t know what to do.”

“He doesn’t need to do anything,” grumbled Sam. River bit her lip to keep from laughing at the pout in his voice. She linked her fingers with his and spun out of his chest, tugging on his hand to follow her as she danced down the hallway.

“Where are we going?” asked Sam, looking around into different rooms and down different corridors as they past them. River shot him a grin over her shoulder and tugged him down a flight of stairs.

“My room.”


Simon watched River as she slept, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration and concern. Her lips moved every now and then, like she was talking to someone and the few times she arched her back he had to look away. She must have snuck into Inara’s shuttle the last time she had a client on board. It was more than that though, whatever River was dreaming about was occupying her thoughts, her actions. She was more cautious about what she did, smiled more often with other members of the crew, keeping to herself.

He was just so confused.

It seemed like hours before he saw River’s eyes flutter open, her head dropping to the side to look at him. He kept his face stoic, even when she smiled at him.

“Hello, Simon.”

“Hello, River.”

“Is there something wrong?”

“I’m worried about you.” she sighed and looked away, back to the ceiling. His eyes caught a movement and he watched her fingers move over the fabric covering her stomach, flexing over the material.

“I know,” she said quietly. “You don’t have to worry about me, Simon.”

“Don’t,” said Simon softly, feeling something akin to pain clutch at his heart. “Don’t ask me not to worry about you. You’re my sister River, I will always worry about you.”

River nodded, turning her face away from her brother so he couldn’t see the tears slide across her temple.

“There’s nothing wrong with me, Simon,” said River, her throat sore from trying to hold back her tears. “Please don’t worry about me.”


“How can I not worry about you, Sam?” asked Dean loudly, watching as the other man tossed his shirts into a duffle bag. “You’re waking up with freaking bite marks on your neck! For Christ’s sake, you’re being weirder than normal.”

“It’s nothing, Dean,” said Sam absently, zipping up his bag and tossing it over his shoulder, turning to look at Dean. “It’s nothing to worry about.”

“Bobby agrees with me,” said Dean, folding his arms across his chest. Sam frowned at him, feigning betrayal.

“You’re talking to Bobby about me?”

“We’re worried about you.”

“It told you, it’s nothing to-”

“Then who the fuck is River!?” that caught Sam off guard, and he stared at Dean with his mouth hanging open in mid sentence.


“You say the word in your sleep,” said Dean, his eyes hard. “I’m assuming it’s a person?”

“She has nothing to do with-”

“She?” interrupted Dean, his arms falling to his sides. “You’re seeing someone?”

Sam hesitated. Was he seeing River? It was more than that, he loved her. “Yes.”

“And Jessica?” his stomach lurched. He couldn’t remember the last time he thought about Jess.

“She’s different.”

part 5

simon tam, sam winchester, crossover, mal reynolds, dean winchester, supernatural, firefly, river tam

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