spn/firefly, sam/river, help i'm alive 3/?

Apr 30, 2009 13:46

Title: Help, I’m Alive 3/?
Author: Liv
Fandom: Supernatural/Firefly
Characters: Dean, Bobby, River, Sam
30-shinyfics Prompt: 16. Spring
30-kisses Prompt: 12. In a good mood
Rating: R
Warnings: general spoilers.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Supernatural or Firefly. Any characters you don’t recognize are original and should not be used without my permission.
Author’s Note: I abhor any variation of the phrase ‘make love’. It pains me to use it.

part 1|part 2

“He’s been acting strange, Bobby. I mean for god’s sake he woke up with nail marks on his wrists.”

“What do you think is going on?”

“I have no idea. That’s why I came here, I thought maybe you could give me an idea on how to find out.”

“Well, the only thing I can think of is African Dream Root. But that’s some nasty shit, Dean. You don’t want to go messing around with that.”

“Will it help Sam?”

“It’ll put you in his dreams, so you can see what he’s dreaming.”

“How do I get it?”

“I’ll make a few calls. Hold tight and I’ll see what I can do.”

“What am I supposed to tell Sam?”

“Tell him John was supposed to call back tomorrow.”

“I can’t believe I’m lying to my brother about Dad.”

“It’s better you stay here than running off half cocked looking for a man who doesn’t want to be found.”

“Gee, thanks, Bobby.”

“Shut up, Dean. Do you want to help Sam or not?”

“Yeah. He’s not acting the way he should.”

“I’ll be back.”

“Wait…What if he dreams again?”

River’s eyes snapped back into focus. That wasn’t a dream.


She was waiting for him when he fell asleep. Sitting in front of him on a field of grass in a white dress. Her dark hair brushed behind her ears was blowing across her face gently in a breeze he couldn’t feel. She was twirling a periwinkle colored daisy around in her fingertips when he showed up. He smiled when he saw her and her dark eyes flickered over him for a moment before turning back to her daisy. It turned red.

“Are you alright?”

“I am…feeling in a pleasing way.” she didn’t look up from her flower. Sam sat down in front of her and picked at the blades of grass. The colors were more muted then they usually were when he was with River.

“You’re upset,” said Sam softly. He stared at his fingers picking at the ground. River spun her daisy chartreuse. “Did I do something wrong?”

“Never,” said River softly, her breath brushed against his ear. He looked up to see her kneeling in front of him, her dress blowing against his knees. Her nose tickled his hair. She pulled away from him as quickly as she’d moved against him and leaned back on the heels of her hands, staring up at the saturated blue, too bright for normal sky, and yet with no dimensions. “I miss sky.”

“Don’t you have sky?” teased Sam, tossing pieces of grass playfully at River’s knees. She smiled up at the sky. And closed her eyes.

“Not all the time.”

They went quiet, listening to the breeze play with the grass.

“What’s sex like, Sam?”

He blinked at her and tried to respond without giggling nervously. “It‘s, you know…nice, I guess? Maybe I’ll show you one day.”

“Show me now.”

He was only joking, she was only serious. Her head tilted back up, her eyes staring through him and into him. He didn’t move away when she reached out to take a handful of his shirt, pulling him forward against her. River fell back against the ground, pulling Sam along the way. He found he couldn’t breathe with her so close. So very real.

Her lips were soft, pressed against his. Her tongue tasted like candy, tangled with his. Her skin was cream colored and soft when Sam ran his hand up her thigh, under her dress. Their kisses were slow and emotion filled. Sam put everything he felt for her into each press of his lips against hers. He felt his chest constrict when River detangled one of her hands from his shirt and ran her fingertips across his cheekbone.

“I don’t want it to end.” she breathed against his lips. Sam slid his hand further up her dress, pushing the fabric up with his movement.

“Then it wont.”

They made love on the grass, under the sun. When River orgasmed she took Sam with her, made her see what she saw, feel what she felt. She made her see the conversation his brother was having with the man with the beard, of the lies they would tell him. She told him she would rather stay with him in their field forever then to ever wake up.

It took him a moment to realize that he was staring up at the ceiling of his motel room, breathing hard. Dean wasn’t in the room, and he was glad. Sam turned over in bed and squeezed his eyes shut, wanting to fall back to sleep, to see River again, to repeat that moment over and over and over.

His eyes snapped back open, because he was in love with her, and it hurt not having her near him. He’d go to any length to have her corporeal and lying next to him.

After what felt like an hour of lying in bed with his eyes closed he finally gave up and got up. There was a piece of paper lying on the bed side table from Dean, saying he went to Bobby’s and he’d be back by morning. Sam felt his eyes narrow, remembering what River had showed him.

He’d be waiting.

part 4

bobby singer, dean winchester, supernatural, firefly, sam winchester, crossover, river tam

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