Title: Going Home 2/3
Author: Liv
darkmagic_luvrFandom: Firefly/Supernatural
Characters: Sam, River, Dean, Kaylee, Mal, Jayne
30_ballads Prompt: Metallica- Nothing Else Matters
30_shinyfics Prompt: 15. element
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters before you. They belong to their respected creators, and not me.
part 1 never cared for what they do
never cared for what they know
but I know
never cared for what they say
never cared for games they play
never cared for what they do
never cared for what they know
and I know
Sam sighed his hands working against his forehead as he tried to concentrate on what he was going to say to dean. He knew his brother had a right to know about his daughter, more importantly, he had a right to know that his daughter was no longer with them and that it wasn’t his fault. River was staring at him with a smirk on her face that could rival Dean’s, practically reading his mind. She reached up and pressed her palm against his cheek, brushing her thumb against his jawbone soothingly.
“Don’t be a wuss. It can’t be any worse than when Simon found out,” she said it in a sing-song voice. Sam moved his hands from his face and gave her a look which she returned. He eventually sighed and hung his head.
“It could,” he muttered, swearing under his breath after a moment and turning back towards the closed door. Taking a deep breath, Sam opened it and stepped back out into the bar. Dean looked up, anger still etched on his face.
“Oh good, you found your precious girlfriend-”
“Dean, I gotta tell you something and you’re not going to like it,” said Sam seriously, interrupting what was bound to be a long exhausting rant from Dean. He shut his mouth and crossed his arms over his chest exasperatedly.
“Well?” Sam glanced back at River, (who nodded encouragingly) and then back at Dean. Mal had figured out what he was going to say and looked like he was trying hard not to plug his ears, motioning for Jayne to move his gun off the bar counter.
“River and I had a baby,” he said quickly, swallowing after getting it out and saying it again slower. “We had a baby.”
It went very quiet, the only sound being Ellen’s glass falling from her hands and thunking against the countertop. Dean blinked a few times at Sam before laughing at him. Behind him, Mal closed his eyes and shook his head, clearly worried.
“He ain’t lyin’, Dean,” said Jayne from the bar. Dean kept laughing, wiping tears of mirth from his eyes. “The Alliance too her-”
“Oh my god, this too much,” said Dean. “This is the worst nightmare I’ve ever had.”
“You aren’t dreaming,” said River, moving toward Sam, sliding her hand into his. “And you know it.”
“Oh, okay. Then my baby brother did disappear off the face of the planet, join the crew of Star Track and knock up a 16 year old girl. Do you know how fucking ridiculous that sounds? Is it just me?” asked Dean, looking around at Bobby. Jayne seemed to consider it and shook his head in agreement.
“It’s sounds gorram mental.”
“Thank you, space man!”
“This ain’t a dream, son,” said Mal, whacking Jayne over the head.
“There is some serious dream root shit going on here. It’s like some alternate universe-!”
“Dean, stop,” shouted Sam, reaching out to his brother, only to get himself punched in the face.
“You moron!” spat Dean, shaking his head as Sam wiped the blood from his mouth. “What the hell were you thinking?”
“It’s not like that, Dean-”
“Shut up, Sam. I’m done,” Sam frowned at his brother, watching him turn away and head for the exit.
“I’m done, Sammy,” said Dean softly, stopping at the door. “Go back to spaceship and go wherever the hell you want… I-I can’t do this anymore.”
“Don’t,” said River softly, grabbing onto Sam’s elbow as he started for Dean, holding him back. “A goodbye needs to occur.”
“Listen to your girl, Sam,” said Dean stiffly. “She seems to know what she’s talking about.”
Sam, being held back by River, watched Dean go. Kaylee however, followed him.
“Dean,” started Kaylee, running after him and catching his arm. The moment she touched him he stopped, whirling around, hurt written all over his face.
“I want him to stay so bad, Kaylee,” said Dean, reaching out to touch her face. “I don’t want to be left again.”
“You ain’t gonna be,” said Kaylee. “’Cause I ain’t gonna leave you.”