Firefly/Supernatural- Persona Non Grata

Feb 28, 2008 21:43

Title: Persona Non Grata
Author: Liv
Fandom: Firefly/Supernatural
Characters: Derrial Book, Ruby, "Tammi"
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Malleus Maleficarum for SPN, everything regarding Book for Firefly/Serenity.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters before you. They belong to their respected creators, and not me.
Author’s Note: This doesn’t have anything to do with my on-going spn/firefly ‘verse, I just really wanted to write something with Ruby and Book.

Take it a face value. Move slowly, take the pain as it comes, the slower you move the more pain there is. But at least your ready for the world. Darrial Book blinked once and heard someone laughing. It wasn’t maniacal, it was more like relief.

"It worked!" excited sounding. Someone started clapping. Very slowly, almost sarcastically. Derrial tried to move his arms but found he couldn’t. He was trapped down by something. He used his eyes to his advantage, glancing to his immediate right and catching the flash of a blonde girl spinning around to look at someone behind her. That someone was still clapping, but coming closer.

"Nicely done," said the voice. It was female as well, overpowering, confident, condescending. One look at the girl and the smile vanished from her face, replaced with a more obedient expression.

"Excuse my enthusiasm," she said hurriedly, bowing her head. There was a table obscuring Derrial’s view of the other woman, but he saw her feet turn to him.

"Who is he?" she asked in a ‘you-don’t-really-know-what-you’re-doing’ voice.

"Umm, he’s from the future?" said the girl. Derrial could just picture the woman giving the poor girl a look and rolling her eyes. The girl hesitated for a moment and then rushed over to Derrial’s body, bending over him and staring him in the eyes. Her eyes didn’t seem the right color.


"What’s it to you, bao bei?" Derrial asked her. Something like a shadow passed over the girls face and her eyes narrowed. She opened her mouth to sass him (he assumed) but the other woman interrupted her.

"Where did you get him, Ruby," she snapped at the blonde. Ruby. Ruby flinched and looked at him nervously.

"Ariel," said Derrial. "I’m afraid I can’t tell you more than that, miss."

"Ariel?" asked the woman, sounding upset. "Ariel!"

"Where’s Ariel?" asked Ruby, turning her head to look at her mistress. "Tammi?"

"You are an idiot," hissed Tammi. "The future!"

Derrial and Ruby watched Tammi walk off in a rage, the door slamming against it’s wooden frame, making Ruby jump.

"What did I do wrong?" she asked no one. Ruby looked down at Derrial, her blonde hair falling across her face. "Did I do it wrong?"

"What could you do wrong?" asked Derrial.

"The spell. That brought you here?" said Ruby nervously. Derrial frowned and her and found he was able to sit up. She moved back a bit. "How did you-"

"You’re a witch?" asked Derrial, holding back the laughter in his voice.. If only he had his guns on him. Put the poor girl out of her misery-no, he’s wasn’t like that anymore, he wasn’t he’d swore to put that behind them. But she was sick, she was obviously mentally sick. He could help her perhaps. She looked at him like she wasn’t to defend herself but looked away at the last second, staring at the floor and swearing under her breath.

"I can’t believe I was that- Oh, no, she’s going to kill me," Ruby scuffled away from Derrial on her knees, reaching behind her and picking up a piece of chalk on the ground.

"What are you doing?" asked Derrial, watching her retrace the circle around him.

"You can’t come out, she’ll kill me-"

"Who?" asked Derrial.


"She’s not going to hurt you, child."

"I’m not a child," snapped Ruby, looking at Derrial, her eyes blazing. "All my life I’ve been called a child, can’t do this, it’s wrong to do that, you can’t help us- Well I’m doing this!"

"I never said you weren’t," said Derrial, reaching out to touch the girl’s hand. She let him leave it there for a moment, staring at his hand covering hers before jerking it away.

"If you touch me again," said Ruby, looking up at him. "I’ll make you go away forever."

"Isn’t that what you just did?" asked Derrial, Ruby turned her back to him and continue drawing on the ground. "Didn’t you ‘make me go away’ from where I was before? Trying to play God-"

"No," snapped Ruby before Derrial had even a chance to finish his thought. "You can’t say that word here."

Ruby stood up, throwing her chalk behind her. It missed Derrial but cracked into the floor behind him. Derrial watched her walk off, her arms crossed tightly over her chest. She had her head bowed, her blonde hair falling in her face, strands of hair sticking to the black dress she was wearing. She reached the door and Derrial took that moment to speak up again, her hand closed around the doorhandle.

"It’s not a word, it’s a choice."

ruby, shepard book, supernatural, firefly, crossover

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