Title: A Shadow At The End Of The Hallway 1/10
Author: Liv
Rating: T
Claim: Sam Winchester/River Tam (supernatural/firefly)
firefly_15_fics Prompt: 13. Insanity
spn_random Prompt: 9. Black
fic_variations Prompt/Claim: Sane/Insane / Sam/River (spn/firefly)
Word Count: 1222
Author's Note: I enjoyed writing this so much, what can I say? I'm an angst whore. This isn't too terribly angsty however. It's a little weird, it's sort of in both Sam and River's POV, just because I see their minds merging together to become one not so normal not so insane mind eventually, so that's for the odd wording.
goddess_loki, if there are any prompts you want me to write with them just drop me a line!
When Sam woke up he had to blink a few times to make sure his eyes were open. It was dark, like darkness he'd never seen. He felt something move beside him and a half sob half laugh escaped the lips of whatever was next to him.
"Always dark."
"River?" Sam turned his head a few times, trying to figure out where she was. It wasn't helping, wherever he was, whatever he was in, it was disorienting him. Everything sounded farther than it should, whatever he was sitting on felt too much like skin, he could feel blood matting his hair to his face.
"Can't save us," Sam heard her voice again and felt along the ground, trying not to imagine what could be covering the floor. River's voice was strained and closing in on hysterical. Sam touched something with his fingertips and prayed to hell that it was River. "Can try, won't find us."
"River?" Sam whispered, he felt whatever it was he touch shift, clothes flutter and suddenly there was a pair of hands clutching his face.
"They'll find us in blood. Can't w-wait...wait any longer. They brought us here for a reason, always a reason. Can't save, save, s-sssalivating with anticipation of what they have planned for us. Always planning, never yet a plan."
"River, it's Sam-"
"Don't be scared,Sammy," whispered River, her knees scraping against the floor and curling up against Sam, her head resting in his lap. "I'll keep you safe."
Sam felt tears creep into his eyes. He'd never hear River like this, never wanted to see her like this. The way Jayne always talked about her like she couldn't hear, like she was insane. He was right.
"Not insane," whispered River, her fingers digging into Sam's thigh. "Ripped. Ripped of being a girl," Sam felt River sit up again, grabbing his hand and sliding it up her bare leg, making him gasp (more out of surprise and the sensation of touching her then the fact that he was touching her) as he felt the fabric of her dress against his wrist. River's mouth pressed against his ear, her breathing amplified and ragged. "Make me feel like a girl, Sam."
His mind reeled. His eyes were adjusting to the darkness, slowly, and he could just make out River's face. Her eyes, the more he became familiar with the darkness the more her eyes filled with fear. She moved his hand higher up her leg, pressing his palm against her hip. Sam's mouth was dry.
"Where are we?" he breathed. The he thought he'd been blinded suddenly. Sam's eyes snapped shut, while River's remained open, filling with tears at the sudden amount of light leaking into the room. Sam shook his head, squinting in the light to try and see what was going on. Shadows. Two shadows walking toward them. The first thoughts through Sam's mind were 'If this is Simon and he's catching me feeling up his little sister, I'm a dead man'.
"Not Simon," said River, her voice filled with tears. "Two by two-"
"Hands of blue," finished Sam, the hand resting on River's hip tightening protectively. He wanted to pull her closer to him, tell her he'd protect her this time. "My turn."
The shadows stopped walking, River started shaking, moving closer to him. Her face was wet and smelled like blood. She smelled like blood. The whole room smelled like metal and burning flesh.
"We're not safe, are we?" Sam whispered out loud. He didn't mean to, it just came out. Something above him tsked at him and something else tsked back. They were mocking him. Sam looked down at the floor, his eyes focusing to the place where his knees and River's were touching. There was dried blood down River's calf, her boots were gone. Blue dress. They were sitting on skin. Not the fluffy animal skin either, just skin.
"I can hear them," River whispered into his ear, her breathing becoming heavier. There were scratches along her arms and neck. Blood under her fingernails, like she had done it herself, trying to get something under her skin that couldn't be reached any other way. "They're everywhere!"
"River Tam," said a calm voice above them, closer than Sam had though before, making him jump and immediately tightening his hold on his girlfriend, his lover, his net. "How good it is to see you again."
"No," River said, her breathing still heavy, curling closer to Sam, her head dropping against his chest. "No, no, no, no more. No more voices. Screaming, helpless. Don't hurt us."
"We're not going to hurt you, River," said a different voice, almost the same. Sam felt his shirt being tugged and and he was pulled away from River, into a standing position, she didn't scream, she was pulled up as well, clutched to him and they let her.
"We just want you to be safe."
"Not safe here!" Sam flinched when she screamed. His eyes were clearing up. It was just a normal room, with two ordinary people in it, looking at two other people who might look something crazy, with blood on them and clinging to each other like they couldn't survive if they were torn apart.
"River," said one man, talking a slow step forward and reaching out his hand, his glove was blue.
"We just want to help," finished the other. His opposite hand reached out, they hung in the air in front of Sam and River for a moment before dropping. One nodded to the other and he nodded back. Both their heads snapped onto the couple in front of them.
"Sir," said one, his head tilting to one side like a demented jack in the box. "I think we better leave them be."
"Yes," said the other. "Leave them be. In the darkness."
"Always darkness," said River, sinking out of Sam's arms and dropping to her knees on the floor. Sam stared at her, feeling anger rise in his chest. They did this to her. They hurt her like this, they destroyed lives. For what?! The two turned and slowly started walking out of the skin covered room. Measured steps, waiting for something.
"What do you want?" he asked darkly, eyes still resting on River crumpled in a heap on the floor. The two turned, looked at each other and back at Sam, still keeping the same blank, almost concerned look on their faces.
"A chance to create something new."
"Something beautiful."
"Something evil?" hissed Sam, turning his head. They didn't flinch at him, just looked into his eyes, burning from hatred and anger.
"A child," they said simultaneously. Sam's anger disappeared from his eyes, and he tilted his head in confusion.
"You want us-?"
"We don't want, anything, Mr. Winchester," said one, turning on his heel and heading out.
"We only need," the second said following after the other man, the two walking in step and slamming the door shut. enveloping River and Sam in darkness once again. Sam's breathing quickened slightly, and he turned his head to the ground staring at the endless blackness around him. He heard River let out a sob.
"Always planning," she cracked out, her voice hoarse from crying. "Always darkness."