Title: Because God Hates Sam Winchester
Author: Liv
darkmagic_luvrRating: PG-13
fic_variations Prompt/Claim: carnival/hallowe’en/ Supernatual/CSI
Spoilers: CSI; through season 7, Supernatural; through season three (as it progresses) but mostly season 2.
Warnings: Spoils for ‘Everybody Loves A Clown’.
Author's Notes: I enjoyed writing this a little bit. This is a pre-fic to
This Shit's Expected.
Sofia cocked her gun and looked out of window in her car at the carnival a few yards away. This is why she lived in Vegas. She got the creepy supernatural thing, the one’s who would give her nightmare’s. It was thrill like that which kept her going.
She hesitated a moment, her eyes narrowing as a black impala pulled up next to her. She knew that car. That car only brought two things: Dean Winchester and a bad headache. With a snort, Sofia pushed open her car door and walked over to the driver’s side window, leaning down and putting on a very unamused expression.
Sofia watched as the guy in the passenger’s seat (who looked like Sam, but she couldn’t be sure having never met the kid) looked over at her. He reached over and hit Dean on the shoulder who gave him a look. A small, animated conversation went on for a few seconds before Dean looked over at Sofia a jumped.
“Sam,” said the passenger, waving to Sofia who gave him a nod before pulling open Dean’s car door and leaned down to Dean’s level.
“What are you doing here?”
“My turf and you know it. I have never to this day asked for your help and I never plan on doing so. I can handle it.”
“We just wanna check it out,” interjected Sam before Dean had a chance to reply with something stupid. “We had a clown fiasco a year ago and just wanted to check it out.”
“It’s not the clowns we should be scared of now,” Dean muttered under his breath, cursing loudly as Sofia knocked him in the back of the head with her gun.
“I’m guessing you slept with her on a job with dad. Right?” Sofia winked in Sam’s direction and let her hand drop onto Dean’s shoulder, the barrel of the gun pointing at Dean’s temple.
“Dean, this is my case. So you’re going to....”
“Back off?” suggested Sam, earning a smack from Dean.
“We can’t take care of it together?” asked Dean sweetly, looking up at her.
“Fine,” said Sofia after a moment. “But I’m not sleeping with you again understood?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Sam pulled out the key to the motel room and sighed. He was tired and had a headache from the amount of bickering that he had endured two days of. Sofia was nice and all, but Dean couldn’t ever seemed to keep his big mouth shut whenever she was around. It was like she flipped a trigger switch and he immediately spewed things that would tick her off.
Not to mention Dean had a thing for her, which was making him even more of a prat then before. Didn’t help that one of Sofia’s coworker’s showed up and geeked out for over an hour with Dean about music and Vegas.
Not that it wasn’t amusing to see Dean geek out. Sofia had certainly never seen him like that, so that meant when she smiled at Dean....she had feelings there to.
Which also meant that the noises he was hearing from inside the motel room he was sharing with Dean was not a broken air conditioner. If he was really, really lucky, they would already be in bed and he wouldn’t have to walk in on Dean and Sofia in a compromising position.
Of course, God did hate him....