Lorrie Sykes

Oct 21, 2007 19:19

Lorraine ‘Lorrie’ Fiona Sykes; portrayed by Sarah Silverman; Comedian

Age: 32
Parents: biological unknown; adopted- Gabrielle and Oliver Sykes
Sibling(s): biological unknown; Harrison Reid-Sykes and Donald Sykes

Lorrie was adopted when she was a toddler. Her adopted parents never told her she was adopted, so she assumed she wasn’t. That being said, she felt some sort of authority over the foster kids her parents took in through the years. On two occasion’s Gabriella and Oliver adopted two of their foster kids, Harrison Reid and Donald, who was three when he was put into the system.

Lorrie grew up with her father (a retired FBI agent) telling her stories of the bureau and encouraging her to enjoy life for what it was, and not to let it hold you back from your dreams, while her mother would laugh at him and throw sponges full of paint at him (her mother was an artist). Lorrie graduated from highschool and took after her father, becoming an FBI and getting stuck in Don Eppes team after Terry Lake left.

Lorrie doesn’t like making friends with people easy. She likes to give them her worst and if they stick around they are deemed worth of a friendship. Her worst is usually inappropriate and cynical, sometimes manic. Lorrie enjoys pulling pranks and other types of annoying things, especially on Colby and Don, who she thinks need’s to take the stick out of his ass. Megan usually spurs her on, by laughing and whatnot.

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