Firefly/Numb3rs- A Hangover After A Sober Night

Oct 19, 2007 16:45

Title: A Hangover After A Sober Night
Author: Liv
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Firefly/Numb3rs
Characters: Colby Granger, Kaylee Frye, Mal Reynolds, Wash
firefly_15_fics Prompt: 15. Alone
Warnings: Firefly (since I haven’t scene Serenity yet), and up to S2 of Numb3rs (until I catch up with that as well)
Summary: Colby’s very lost.
Author’s Note: First time writing both fandoms, tell me if I’ve gotten voices wrong. This is the begining of my Numb3rs/Firefly crossover 'Somewhere Between Earth and My Home'. I also made Kaylee and Colby a pretty banner, because i was bored here.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Firefly or Num3rs.

Colby was...fucking lost. He was in the middle of some alley in god knows where with a killer head ache and a gash across his side that didn't hurt quite so much. Damn it, his head hurt. Colby lifted his hand to his head and closed his eyes as nausea swept over him. He groaned and leaned against the wall behind him, moving his legs out from under him, feeling the blood rush back to them.

After a minute or so his headache subsided and Colby opened his eyes, blinking against the light around him. He felt like he just got over a hangover. A nasty hangover. Only he couldn't remember drinking, couldn't remember anything. Everything was almost fuzzy, and by almost...his memories just kept slipping away from him, like trying to hold water in his hands.

"Where am I," he muttered hoarsely after a minute of trying to come up with answers only to give up. His first thought, however, on where he was, was LA. But looking out into the street bustling next to him he realized he defiantly wasn't in LA. Colby stood up shakily, palm flat against the wall for support as his legs buckled under his weight. He took a breath to keep from pitching over and straightened up.

Walking out into the dirt street, his mouth dropped. Colby blinked, blinked again and spun on the spot, trying to comprehend the situation.

"Is this for real," he said out loud, making a man passing in front of him stare. Colby gave him a grin, noticing holster and gun...well, he assumed it was a gun.

Colby took off down the road. It looked like he was in a damn Star Wars movie! ...Minus the aliens. He spotted someone who could be an officer of the law and headed over to him, trying to come up with words that wouldn't make him sound crazy.

"'Scuse me?" asked Colby loudly, tapping the man on the shoulder. "Could you tell me where I am?"

The man stared at him for a moment before laughing and turning away.

It hit Colby right then that he was completely alone. He watched the man walk away from him until he got lost in the crowed, before turning away, panicking slightly and heading off in the opposite direction.

There were spaceships. Colby couldn't seemed to keep his mouth closed as he walked past them, people asking him if he was looking for a ride or selling him things.

"You're going with us."

Colby looked around as someone addressed him, spotting a pretty girl with a rainbow colored umbrella sitting on the platform of one of the ...spaceship thingies. Colby frowned at her, watching her pick herself up and walk up to him.

"Are you talking to me?" asked Colby.

"You're going to ride with us," she said again. "I can tell."

"Okay," said Colby, still confused, but who was he to deny her? She was the first person to actually talk to him, granted she was probably mental....

"Well, if you can pay. You can pay can't you?" she asked almost hopefully.

Colby sputtered for a second, pulling out his wallet and doubting that his was the kind of money she was looking for. She kept looking at him with a hopeful smile on her face.

"You ain't from around here, are you?"

"I don't even know where here is," replied Colby, giving up and just handing her his wallet. "If any of that's usable in this place by all means-"

"I only seen this stuff in museums," Colby her her breath catch and she practically stuck her head in his wallet. Colby frowned and looked around him, wondering if this was usual.

"Are you okay-"

"Hey, Kaylee!" the girl with her head in Colby's wallet looked up as another man walked towards them, followed by someone in a floral printed shirt.

"Hi, Captain," said Kaylee brightly.

"Who's this?" asked the 'captain', pointing at Colby, sizing him up. Kaylee looked from the 'captain' to Colby and slowly handed over his wallet. He looked confused for a minute before the man in the floral printed shirt looked over his shoulder and said something obscene in Chinese.

"What's you're name?" asked Kaylee, breaking the tension that had settled.

"Colby Granger," the man nodded and held out his hand for Colby to shake which he did.

"Malcolm Reynolds," he said with a stony face, folding Colby’s wallet back up and handing it over then turning around and telling the man in the floral shirt to find someone named Zoe.

"I’m Kaylee," Colby looked at the girl standing next to him and grinned at her.

Maybe he wasn’t so alone anymore.

character | colby granger, dm_l:somewhere between earth and my home, kaylee frye, firefly_15_fic*firefly/numb3rs, wash, crossover, mal reynolds

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