hvid_noire is such a bad, bad, baaaaaaad friend! She knew that I'm such a crazy fan of Zoro/Robin and she's liking Zoro/Sanji despite that!!! Come to think of it, she refuses to acknowledge OshiAto too. And she doesn't like Gojyo/Hakkai. And she doesn't like my ultimate het/normal pair HiruMamo. *sobs*
Anyway, I'm so happy that Pico is back with a new character! It'll be an as neltis_screi quoted, "WTFtastic"! Oh yeah, I smell threesome! PICOxCOCOxCHICO!!! oOOoh, I can't wait to see that OVA!!! The trailer song is very bubbly. I luuuuuv it. I luuuuuv it.
Although school is one heck of a torture dimension, it doesn't stop me from fangirling!!! Although, I admit fangirling activities are very limited. *sniffs* I want to watch Evangelion all over again. And read its manga. Why? Cause I'm a Kaworu/Shinji fan now!! I luff Kaworu! You smexy bastard.
Has anyone seen how awesome and spectacularly beautiful Yumichika-san was in the latest Bleach manga?
And has anyone noticed that Yumichika and Ikkaku do have that sort of relationship? There practically have telepathy!