The weather is always wrong timing. When I want the weather to be cold its scorching hot and when I want a nice cool breezy night, rain just pour down ...hard. But I love rain. It's more tolerable than the heat of the sun. *whimpers after hearing the thunder*
Anyway, I got this meme from
a1y_puff Leave a comment and I will:
1. Tell you why I friended you. Or why I'm fond of you.
2. Associate you with something - fandom, a song, a color, a photo, a word, et cetera.
3. Tell you something I like about you.
4. Tell you a memory I have of you.
5. Ask something I've always wanted to know about you.
6. Tell you my favorite user pic of yours.
7. In return, you must post this in your LiveJournal.
Seems good, I haven't done any meme for quite a long time so go comment minna-san! XD