Home workout #1!

Jan 23, 2010 22:58

So I've decided to start posting the results of my home workouts in addition to the results that will be posted on the Annex Fitness blog. Just to keep track of my own progress. Today's workout was a spur of the moment decision because I realized I had the energy and time and since I only worked out once this week, and I am allowed to work out twice, I might as well!

I went for this one:

5 rounds for time of: 25 burpees, 100 single unders

Now... I know I didn't lose that much progress but I haven't worked out in almost 3 weeks before this Thursday and when I got to round 2, I realized that I should just do 3 rounds, otherwise I'm a) gonna take forever and b) possibly overwhelm my body.

I think I felt pretty much like I did after 5 rounds last time I did that one, which was a couple of month ago at least. Eek.

Time: 8:39. I actually didn't have a problem with the skipping, that went relatively easy for me because I now have a proper rope and I learned to skip using my entire foot and not just on my toes, which is how I did it before and it was much harder. Also, keeping my arms closer to my body makes it go a LOT faster. Sometimes, instructional videos help!

I managed to oversalt my dinner but I didn't overcook it so yay me.

I must get that goat cheese from St. Lawrence Market again. It was soooo good with the salad I made last night (baby spinach, cooked beets, toasted almonds, homemade balsamic vinaigrette and shaved hard goat cheese sprinkled on top)... I think I copied that salad that I was trying to imitate pretty well! Still, I wish I could remember the name of the place. I'd ask Steve but I don't really wanna talk to him. He's kind of a jerk. He's only nice when it works for him. Oh well, we know people like that, don't we? Yeah...

That's about it.

working out, xfit, cooking, exercise

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