(no subject)

Apr 16, 2006 01:08

Do you consider it normal that you want to be alone, you leave your incredibly loud and annoying house, go somewhere and tell your family not to bother you and when they call you say you'll be back around 12 or so... then you come back at 1 am and come home to yelling and accusations, threats etc. because you came back an hour later than you said you would and didn't answer your phone? You are told to get the hell out asap, get your own place, get called names, you're told your car and cellphone will be taken away and that you're a piece of shit?

Did I mention I'm 22?

I NEED to move out. I don't know how the fuck I'll do that but I need to. I'll work as a stripper, I'll live in a crappy old apartment, I just need to get out of here!

I hate this!

It's times like this that I understand why Gordon is content to not talk to his family members at all. It's so nice when nobody gives a fuck about you sometimes. So fucking nice and impossible.

Well, my mood was bad before but now it's even worse.

Before I met Gordon (I didn't think I'd see him), I took about double the recommended dose of DM syrup. Ugh. Still out of it because of that. And my throat hurts.

I'm really glad I saw him though... <3

Anyway, end rant.

crap, home

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