Title: No Happy Endings (14/15 - "Not A Death Ray")
Rating: PG-13
Paring: Billy/Penny
Word Count: 3383
Summary: The Hero is dead, and the Villain has taken over the city. Caught between worlds, all Penny wants is to get back to a normal life, only to find that she's already a pawn in epic struggles she didn't even know existed. AU from 'Slipping'.
Act 14 - Not A Death Ray )
Comments 9
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I just finished writing the last chapter, so it'll be up as soon as it's beta'd!
Thanks for commenting! : )
But to have Dead Bowie being a proper villian! You evil swine! :-)
Can't wait for your final part!
Well, someone had to be villainous. He did end up with a more dramatic death then Billy though, so maybe that's something!
Thanks for commenting!
I thought it would be Billy, but no! And then I thought she would send him back half dead and everyone would be okay except for him but now SHE'S going back and this doesn't really have to be AU!
Except for she has super powers and the sharapnal isn't really going to hurt her because the roof caving in didn't and everyone's going to be happy and live awesomely together (what was Horrible's and Hammer's 'arrangement' by the way? :D) and Hammer and Horrible will have an 'arrangement' and they'll live happily together with Penny.
The end!
Ah! It's almost done :(
Billy was actually killed just so it would have to be Penny who went back. Originally he was going to be OK, but then I realized that it would make much more sense for Billy to go back then Penny...
I'm finally noticing all the plot holes that slipped by when I was writing this. : O I think Penny really was just lucky that she wasn't hurt when the roof fell in, and that it had nothing to do with any possible superpowers... Billy and Hammer's arrangement was to have a smexy three-way with Penny if they all survived. ; )
Pleeeeeeeeease tell me this was a reference to what I think it was.
Also, you killed Billy! D:
Thanks for commenting! : D
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