Master Post: On These More Familiar Roads (SPN Fic)

Oct 03, 2013 21:15

Title: On These More Familiar Roads
Pairing(s): Dean/Castiel
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~37,500
Warnings: Violence, pre-story major character death, torture, Winchester-style medical care
Beta: quiddative
Artist: mircabre

Summary: Castiel isn’t the man-or the angel-he used to be. As learns to cope with the loss of the Winchesters and his own newfound humanity, his old life feels a world away. That is, until he finds Dean, who’s been brought back to life by unknown forces. With Sam missing, demons on their trail, and all the rules changed, just having each other may not be enough… AU from then end of Season 7.

A/N: A huge thank you to mircabre, quiddative, and the mods of deancasbigbang!

mircabre's incredible artwork is here!

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Epilogue

Archive of Our Own

series: on these more familiar roads, genre: slash, rating: nc-17, challenge: deancas big bang, character: castiel, character: sam w., character: dean w., word count: 10k+

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