Charity work

May 04, 2004 05:51

I like to do charity work. Dressing up as comedy sized banannas for comic relief, having kid's stick pies in my face, running accross the UK nearly killing myself covered in charity logos, bagering the local school for sponsors, Working at the local school.

But why on earth do people arround me think I'm their charity? Jean wants me to do her son a website for his buisness. I offerd to do it but only today found out that she want's it doing for free. My Dad told me when we were enjoying a smoke at weekend that she called round their and seemed ruffled when he said "Ahh yeah, that'll be a nice little cash generator for this Yachting malarky their goin on in summmer" bla blah. And aparently she started going on about how she's paied off Ellen down South. Yeah, paied her off out of whats rightfully mine anyway. I'm getting that money back and giving it my Dad to sort out their house (And sort out moonbase alpha, because we seriously need a proper window for the telescope).

I don't mind doing this site. But for a start I'll be doing it on my lesure time when I could be just pissing about with a paid job or my own personal shite. Like me and Bry's company or even BLT+Kranz outing rubbish (Like a Welsh/English/German(for kranz) version of jackass but funnyer and with better looking guys?)

Now if I say I can't do the fucker for nothing she'll probably whine at me and freak out. How in the hell do people expect me to live doing all the freebies? I know that bloody tosser me Dad knows wanted me to do his for free. So I never finished it. He had enough money comming in to pay for his own advertising. Plus the fact, if I'm gonna make a freebie it will be for Rochdale hospital radio first. They need free add's, they're only run by the volunteers.

I guess I need to be more up front.
I never texted her about this camera buisness. She was asking me about cam's. But I've not a friggin clue. Hope I don't get loads of bullshit about it today. I was arround Debbies house sorting out her tattoo when she came by. Ended up watching a few videos, eating her chips and drinkig tea so I missed her.

It's not like I'd charge them that much, I'm only charging because I know he(her lad) can afford it. But for starters if she want's more than 4 pages, banners and optimisation it's gonna be at least half of that rent she paied to Ellen from our money. (She actually said "I paied off Ellen" but she technicly paied her with my other rent money.)

I don't know what to do now. Guess it's time to get up anyway.
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