My Fiction: For Easy Navigation!

Apr 26, 2012 20:49

MY FICTION: Most of my stories ratings/warnings differ upon the chapter (if it's a series), further information is in the Author's Notes above each story. Also most of them probably have major grammatical and spelling errors as I didn't have a beta! wowza!

I would appreciate it if you would take a few minutes of your time to leave a comment, like the saying goes "comments are love" :) Other than that I hope you enjoy!

The Avengers

Starks A Pretty Pretty Princess:
Status: Complete
Pairing: Steve/Tony
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Belongs to Marvel
Warnings: none aside from sex ;)
Summary: What happened earlier wasn't his fault either. It really wasn't.

At the Corner of Henry and Montague Street:
Status: Complete
Pairing: Steve/Tony
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Marvel's
Warnings: Exhibition, car sex, and voyeur Pep
Summary: He was America's national icon for god's sakes. Steve did not do anything that wasn't deemed "proper" in the eyes of the community.

It Wasn't the Sun:
Status: WIP
Pairings: Steve/Tony
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Belongs to Marvel!
Warnings: man sex and breakfast
Summary: It wasn't the sun, shining in through the bay windows, that woke Tony or even the alarm that was set on the bedside table.
Link: N/A


The Boogie Tales: 
Status: WIP
Pairing: Steve/Antonia Stark
Rating: ranges from PG to NC-17 (check the Author's notes at beginning of chapter for rating)
Disclaimer: Marvel's
Warnings: See each chapter for warnings
Summary: These are stories that focus around the beginnings of a happy family featuring Steve, Toni, "Boogie" Rogers, and the rest of the Avengers. (This is a series of oneshots and there is no particular order to the chapters so you can skip chapters and not miss anything)
     Part One: The Pros and Cons of Being Pregnant:
     Part Two: The Horrors of Natural Birth and It's Rewards:

Prompt Fills:

Blame the Golden Vapor:
Status: Complete
Pairings: Steve/Tony, Coulson/Clint, Natasha/Pepper, hints of Thor/Jane
Rating: ranges from PG to NC-17 (check Author's Notes at the beginning of chapter for rating)
Disclaimer: Marvel's
Warnings: Alternate 616 universe with movie bits, Tony's trust/dad issues, hurt/comfort, and all around insanity of Avengers on a truth serum.
Summary: The Avengers get doused with a golden vapor that makes them tell the truth. cue angst, humor, and some love people!
      Part One:
      Part Two:
      Part Three:
      Part Four:
      Part Five:
      Part Six:

Through Dust and Smoke:
Status: Complete
Pairings: None
Ratings: PG-13
Disclaimer: Marvel's
Warnings: depressing thoughts but happy ending
Summary:  He couldn't get there fast enough, his heart was pounding fast and each time his gasping breath of JARVIS' name went unaswered he found himself having a harder time of breathing.

Tuesday, Wednesday:
Status: Complete
Pairings: Steve/Bucky/Rhodey/Tony
Ratings: NC-17
Disclaimer: Marvel's
Warnings: AU! 616/movie verse, bits of angst, foursome!
Summary: To Tony, Tuesday was the worse day of the week which was why he loved Wednesday so much, it was a new day, a better day.

A Place of Refuge:
Status: WIP
Pairings: Steve/Thor/Bruce/Tony, Coulson/Clint, Happy/Pepper
Ratings: differs with each chapter
Disclaimer: Marvel's
Warnings: AU!Movie/616 Verse, Alpha/Omega verse
Summary: However, he could see the appeal of sharing an Omega, they was sadly not enough of them to go around, and Steve believed everyone had a right to happiness.
       Part One:
       Part Two:
       Part Three:
       Part Four:
       Part Five:
       Part Six: N/A

avengers, my fiction

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