Blame the Golden Vapor (3/6)

Feb 20, 2012 09:39

Title: Blame the Golden Vapor
Author: darklumi
Characters/Pairings: Steve/Tony, Coulson/Clint, Natasha/Pepper, hints of Thor/Jane
Rating: R
Disclaimer: All Marvels
Warnings: AU, angst, hurt/comfort, dashes of crack and Tony's problems and all around insanity of Avengers on a truth serum. 
Author's notes: i gots no beta! lol comments are love!!!!!! :D also sorry to all those lovely people out there that were waiting for an update on the Boogie Tales but this story will be taking up most of my time, but there will be an update as soon as this is over! wah!
Summary: The Avengers get doused with a golden vapor that makes them tell the truth. cue angst, humor, and some love people!

The kitchen was dead silent when Steve returned from his brief conversation with Coulson, from there, Steve immediately knew something was wrong. He could have ignored the absence of Tony if it wasn't for the fact that everyone refused to look at him or glance at the space that was once filled with the obnoxious billionaire. Natasha stared straight ahead, Clint found his food to be entertaining, and Thor appeared to be reading the back of a box of pop-tarts, even though Steve was pretty sure Thor had no idea what glucose, allergens, and nutrition facts even meant. Bruce was by far the worse. The scientist looked like a scolded puppy, head ducked between hunched shoulders, wringing his hands nervously, and peaking up through his scraggly hair every so often, before shifting his eyes downward. Bruce looked like he was trying to look for an escape route, however, the only way out was past the hulking body of Captain America. It was apparent something had happened while he was away, something that involved Tony and the guilty looking Bruce. At that point something bubbled inside Steve, it was a need to protect, defend, something completely animalistic. It was a feeling that only made itself known when Tony was hurt and now Bruce was going to be the unfortunate victim of his anger.

"What happened?" Steve had meant to sound calm and collected but what came out was completely different. His voice was deeper, sounding rough even to his own ears, and it sent a chill down the spines of the gathered Avengers. Bruce seemed to shrink into himself further, refusing to look up at all. "Well?"

Bruce mumbled something faint and indistinct but with Steve's superior hearing, the super soldier caught every word of Bruce's inaudible whisper. Steve couldn't help but snarl, "What?"

Natasha turned to Steve, starring straight into his eyes. "You need to calm down. You're the leader, act like one. You need to realize, though what Bruce said was cruel, he didn't mean it. I did expect better of him but I guess we all can't be perfect." Steve's eyes widened, for a moment shocked Natasha had even spoken Natasha, before recollecting himself. She was right of course, he was the leader, and an example needed to be made. Taking a deep breath, the anger burning inside subsided, just a touch, before Steve apologized.

"I didn't mean it. I really didn't." Bruce uttered quietly, looking up, he gazed into Captain America's eyes, there was still a tint of green to the scientist's eyes. "I don't know what came over me."

Steve sighed heavily, rubbing his forehead. "I do." At this point the Avengers turned their full attention to the Captain, anxious to hear what news would have to do with Bruce's strange behavior. "The vapor might be affecting the Hulk more than we thought," Steve began. "According to Coulson, SHIELD agents found some paper work at Dr. Richards' place. Lab reports with the Hulk's blood and the gas were positive."

"Why didn't Coulson tell all of us?" Clint wondered.

"Because he didn't want to alarm us, I guess he felt it wasn't a problem yet. He only informed me so I could keep an eye for it and seeing as the Hulk has been causing trouble, I feel that it would be best if we have regular intervals where the Hulk can come out. I feel that it might be the best course of action, Bruce."

"What?! Why?!" Bruce didn't look afraid and afflicted anymore but more indignant. He had stopped rubbing his hands raw and now had them clenched in his lap, he could feel his fingernails digging into his skin, his knuckles bled of color. Bruce, who was ordinarily a patient, if not feeble man, could be just as passionate as he was kind but it all changed with his encounter with gamma radiation all so many years ago. The Hulk was everything Bruce wasn't, sadly that meant also meant violent and uncontrollable, and was the epitome of everything Bruce despised, the Hulk was a monster. It had taken many months of meditation before Bruce had come to terms with having alter ego such as the Hulk and many more before he had come to an understanding with the creature, it wasn't much but it was a start. One of the ways he was able to cope with having the beast within was joining the Avengers. The Avengers allowed him to feel his need to help others while presented an outlet for the Hulk, but apparently that wasn't enough anymore.

"The vapor doesn't just affect you, it's affecting the Hulk as well. This is probably why you have been hostile, the Hulk wants out." Steve for a moment looked unsure, "He...probably has something he would like to say."

"What could he possible have to say?" Bruce questioned frantically. "He's the jolly green giant without the jolly. He's just likes to destroy things."

"Well maybe it's because you haven't let him have the opportunity to do otherwise." Natasha suggested. "Every time you've hulked its been under circumstances that were not pleasant. Maybe this time will be different."

"I don't know about that man, you saw what the Hulk suggested with Tony." Clint muttered. Bruce froze as Steve's eyes narrowed, training his glare on him. "Maybe Bruce is right and letting the Hulk out is a bad idea."

Thor, who was otherwise silent through the conversation, decided to finally speak. His voice was soft, thoughtful, completely lost in his memories. "When my brother and I were just children, my brother acted very much the same way. Loki was small and easily defeated when we were training, and it was always said I would be a great warrior but no one said the same for him. He would act out and destroy things because it was the only way he got attention. It all changed when he finally learned to do magic."

"So you're saying the Hulk is like neglected kid?" Clint face was scrunched up with a skeptical frown.

"Then it's decided, we'll have Bruce hulk out in the gym. Tony had it reinforced for a reason." Steve motioned to Thor to grab Bruce, who squawked as he was suddenly and unceremoniously tossed over Thor's shoulder. Any further argument Bruce had was then completely and utterly ignored. Clint found the sight so hilarious he started cackling and even trailed after the two men to the gym.

"I think Clint and Thor can handle Bruce and the Hulk. I think Tony needs you more." Natasha spoke softly. She silently left the room, leaving Steve alone in the kitchen. He took a deep breath and preceded to follow her advice, trotting down the stairs to Tony's workshop. During the trek, Steve's thoughts were filled with possible things he could to say so they could talk about what happened between Tony and Bruce. He knew it would be difficult because with Tony conversations usually steered clear of Tony's childhood, Afghanistan, or anything considered emotionally abundant situations. One of the reasons they were always tip toeing around their feelings for one another. Steve knew if he had it his way, they would already be staring into each others eyes like love-struck teenagers, holding hands, and fonduing. Not to say, it was all Tony's fault that they weren't in a relationship because that would be a lie. Steve had a part too, for one being a bisexual man in the forties was a big no-no, he had to get use to the fact, although it was still considered taboo, being in a same-sex relationship was more excepted now a days. Another reason was he was just so damn shy. He would stutter and blush when a pretty dame would try to talk to him and when it came to talking to Tony it was like doing loop-de-loops over and over. It was a rush, irritating as it was exhilarating, butterflies were flutter, blush would tinge his cheeks and ears, and the need to hold the other man close were constant quirks that made appearances, when he was near Tony.

Steve didn't know why, but during the past couple of days, the need to change the status between them was becoming more and more mandatory to him. Before he would let Tony slip through his fingers knowing there was another day to chase after the other, knowing it was all a game. Before he could handle the way Tony stared at him from afar, the brief touches between them, but now he wanted more. Perhaps it was the golden vapor igniting his true feelings, wants, and desires. And maybe it was the golden vapor that opening up Tony's true thoughts, doubts, and fears. Either way, Steve was blaming the golden vapor.

Steve could hear crashing and banging protruding from the other side of the door, entering his pass code he continued to slipped into the other man's domain. Tony was elbows deep in wires of many different colors, grease and oil smeared along his arms. His shoulders were slouching, his head cradled within the slope of his shoulders. The shop was a mess, tools, parts, and papers decorating the floor.

"Come over here and help me." Tony briefly glanced over his shoulder to see who had entered the room. "Ah, I thought you were Pep'. She was suppose to come over today. Something about papers and documents..." He trailed off, mumbling quietly to himself.

Steve strolled over, standing close behind the other man. "What do you need me to do?" Steve craned his neck forward over the Tony's shoulder, he could smell the traces of cologne left upon his skin. Something spicy but incredibly sweet at the same time, it made Steve want to lick the smaller man's neck.

"Grab those pliers and cut the green wire right there." Tony barely noticed Steve's presence or the fact he leaned back into the other man's solid form.

Steve complied, cutting the wire. Tony twisted the wires up and tucked them back into the armor's component. "I know what happened between you and Bruce." Steve spoke quietly and evenly, hoping Tony's instinct to run wouldn't act up. However, his calm voice did little and Tony tensed up anyway, the muscles in his shoulders bunched and his back was ramrod straight. "You know he didn't mean it right?"

Tony shrugged and continued to fiddle with some bolts and screws. Though Bruce hadn't meant what he said still didn't stop old wounds from resurfacing. It brought up old nightmares when Obidiah had taken the arc reactor out. He thought of how he had been left gasping for breath and sweat blinding his vision as he barely managed to stubble downstairs and crawl to the other side of the workshop. He thought of how his fingertips had scantily scrapped across the glass case that contained the spare reactor Pepper had left him. He thought of how he had almost died and how empty his life had been before Steve.

"I just wanted to know if you're alright?"

"Oh yeah I'm peachy." Tony smirked over his shoulder, then turned back to the suit in front of him. Steve was able to get a glimpse of Tony's eyes, blown wide from the faint light but Steve was able to see there was an underlining of fear, swirling among the brown and black.

Steve sighed, shaking his head. "We both know that's not true." He tentatively placed his hands on top of Tony's shoulders, massaging the tenseness from them. "You can't keep avoiding your problems."

"Yes I can." Tony pouted, causing Steve to smile fondly and shake his head exasperated. Tony was a stubborn individual, a quality that Steve found both endearing and agitating at the same time. However, now Steve could feel the anger and frustration from earlier slowly start to reform. He hadn't been there when Tony needed him and now Tony wouldn't let him be there, to be someone Tony could lean and rely on.

"You can't keep running away. It doesn't solve anything."

"Are we even talking about what happened with Bruce anymore? Because I didn't run out of the room I walked away from someone who just threatened my life. I would say I handled that pretty well. I'm lucky I got away with my life!"

"You know what I mean Tony." Steve firmly turned the other man, locking eyes with him. "You don't talk about how you feel, you avoid feelings all together in fact! Especially the ones that revolve around me."

"What feelings?"

"Don't play these games now Tony! I'm being serious. I sure as hell know how you feel about me, but everything else you keep locked up. You can't keep these feeling to yourself. It isn't healthy."

"Since when have I ever been healthy?" Tony quipped. "My diet consists of coffee, veggie smoothies, and the occasional meal. Hell, I stay up all hours of the night, building, instead of trying to get sleep. Let's not forget my alcoholic tendencies."

Steve growled deep in his chest, Tony shivered at the sound. Tony always thought Steve had a sexy voice, it could be soothing and gentle like chocolate and silk sheets, and yet completely territorial and dangerously enticing like handcuffs and hot wax. "We all know the only reason you don't sleep and drink is because you have nightmares and it's alright. We all have them, Clint, Natasha, me. We can cope because we talk about it not run and hide like a scared child."

"Oh so you're a big man for talking about your feelings! You want to know why I don't talk about how I feel? Because I've had to do things on my own alright? I'm use to it that way. I never had anyone to talk to who gave a damn about me and how I feel!" Tony spun around, angrily tossing tools about. Dropping a screwdriver, Tony stopped, grasping the edge of the table tightly hoping it would help to stop his fingers from shaking.

"Well you don't have to worry about that anymore. You have the Avengers. You have me." Steve anger dissipated and his voice dropped to a almost silent drone. He silently pressed himself back up against the other man. "Stop running away." Steve murmured into the skin of Tony's neck, breathing in the scent of musk, metal, and the leftovers of ridiculously expensive cologne. His arms locked around Tony, trapping the smaller man's lithe form to his own strong build.

"I can't." Tony swallowed around a suspicious tightness. He sounded so desperate and broken and weak. His voice dropped almost to a whisper as he went on. "I don't know how."

"I'll teach you." Steve went silent as he grazed his lips along the column of Tony's neck, nuzzling the skin underneath the hinge of Tony's jaw. Tony gasped, shivering and moaning quietly, as Steve concentrated his mouth on a section of skin that was particularly sensitive. The super soldier squeezed the body in his arms, hoping to comfort the other man, and keep him close and safe. A moment passed before he slowly turned Tony back around in his arms, wanting to see the other man's face. Gazing at the other man intently, the fear that was once in the Tony's eyes had faded slightly, it was still there but slowly becoming entangled with something akin to arousal. Steve brushed his fingers upon Tony's cheeks and angled his face up, closing his eyes, finally leaned in and kissed Tony. Their first kiss was soft and gentle, the lightest of touches between their lips, before finally sealing them together, each of them lingering in the moment. From there, it only took one touch to ignite something in each of them, a burning fire in their bellies spreading throughout their bodies, the kiss soon became frenzied, hard and deliciously wet. Opening his mouth, Tony found tiny, desperate, noises were escaping from his throat, and Steve swallowed them all. Breaking away, Steve turned his attention back to Tony's neck, seeking that sensitive spot he found earlier and taking full advantage of it and leaving Tony clutching Steve's shoulders. The lithe man suddenly went limp and surrendered into Captain America's arms, grasping the back of the other man's head, lacing his fingers into his blonde hair and holding the mouth at his neck. He whimpered when Steve nipped lightly at his skin.

Separating by a force of will on Steve's part, hefted Tony up onto his work table. Diving for the buttons of Tony's shirt, he had barely undone three before he ripped the shirt apart, buttons flew across the room, but Steve didn't pay them any mind, entirely focused on the skin that was now bare. Steve's mouth watered, despite the network of scars and the foreign metal object embedded in Tony's chest, the man in front of him was a breathtaking sight. The arc reactor's glow highlighted the dips and curves of Tony's body, entrancing Steve, who at this point finally found a beautifully bronze nipple, Steve wrapped his arms around Tony's body, and suckled noisily.

When Steve teared his mouth away, he left Tony panting and shuddering in his arms. He rested his forehead upon Tony's shoulder and whispered nine, very simple words. "I want to be with you. Just trust me." Steve could feel Tony's body tense up but wasn't prepared to be suddenly pushed from the cradle of Tony's legs.

"Get out." Tony hissed, through clenched teeth and kiss-swollen lips, grasping his shirt he held it closed to cover up what little modesty he had left. "Just get out."

"Is it so hard for you to understand that maybe people might want to be with you?!" Frustrated Steve made to grasp Tony's arms, hands, anything but the iron warrior avoided his touch.

"Yes, now get out!" Heeding his words Steve soundlessly and slowly left the room, hoping the other might stop and call him back. His hopes crumbled when there was only silence to greet him, with a final glance over his shoulder, the door slide shut and just like that they were back at square one.

avengers, steve/tony, prompt fills, blame the golden vapor

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