ITs the same old dance. you spin around and around til u pass out and die..

Jun 15, 2005 23:40

Ugh, i have waay too much on my mind now. I need to make a decision, something everyone is telling me i need to do, but I'm not entirly sure of it myself as of yet. If i do make the choice, would it be the right thing to do? Would it be the right path to take? I just don't know anymore. If i do make the decision, what if its the wrong one? What if by even thinking about it, i have already made the choice? What if those around me make the decision for me? Then what? Will my independence go right down the drain, and will everyone see me as weak, as not able to make a decision for myself? Or what if all the ones i love abandon me? What if i have noone left? I'm just so lost... I need to make a choice, but, thats what scares me. It's the fact that i have to at all... Idk i need to sleep on this.. (And BTW, its supposed to be overly vague, i dont want ne1 to know what im talking about, i just needed to write)
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