A bit of pictorial humour regarding OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder)
I've broken this into two parts, the first, in which at least one is bound to bring out the inner OCD sufferer in most of us and the second group to help soothe those tattered nerves after seeing the first lot... enjoy!
But first, to put you in the mood:
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As I say, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is about not being in control of your own thoughts, or being afraid to judge your thoughts as being imagined. Therefore, OCD sufferers fall into this 'everything must be perfect' as they at least have control of some facet of their life. This is quite clearly hard to explain to people that have never had to deal with it but it is a mental illness for a reason. OCD sufferers are also well aware that their actions defy logic but their mind is such that they cannot change what they do without experiencing a huge surge of anxiety that does not actually go away until the 'change' has been rectified in the sufferer's mind. Just imagine being scared of your own thoughts for a moment. It is one scary place to be, let me tell you that now.
Sorry, but this really is a sore spot because no one would ever make fun of a person suffering from depression and yet people do with OCD.
I do understand the condition, as I suffered from it as a young teen and again after a traumatic accident as I still do at times as an adjunct, along with agoraphobia, to that charming condition PTSD. One of my nephews also suffered from it.
We cope with things like this in our family by using humour in an inclusive, not alienating way.
Once again my apologies if I offended. I posted this in as much an effort to cheer myself up as to cheer others. I honestly didn't think it was done in a way that either belittled sufferers or the severity of the condition and I obviously misjudged.
I have just heard it being said like this a lot of late and yours was the straw that broke the camel's back. It bothers me that people make fun of it when they have no idea what it's actually like to live with.
It's great that your family are open about this sort of thing. I know mine are the sort to not talk about these things, being old farm stock. You just didn't talk about that sort of thing. But I was thinking just recently that perhaps I will tell my mum what it was that I went through, I know she may not want to hear it but given I more or less blamed her for not being able to help me (given I had absolutely no idea what I was going through), I realise I need to say something. The fact that I can talk about it and the other things I went through shows that I am not bothered by them anymore, even if they are somewhat confronting when I do speak of them.
Anyway, I hope this clears the airwaves. If anything, it's started a conversation.
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