Happily bleating away in the footsteps of
rangerishot and having just enjoyed The Day of the Doctor 50th Anniversary special (twice!) plus An Adventure in Space and Time, a surprisingly good drama on the early days of Doctor Who with David Bradley (Argus Filch, Walder Frey in GOT plus many, many excellent roles) as William Hartnell, how could I not do this meme?
Turns out I'm the 11th doctor:
I honestly didn't know what to expect as a result, but seeing as I, too, think fez's are cool and can't walk past a fez either without wanting to wear it, I reckon it's a pretty fair cop.
Click to view
And a fez related musical interlude by a wonderful band called the Dynamic Hepnotics:
Click to view
I did the meme via ranger's post and couldn't put the link to the meme here, but here's the link to her post: