Three thanks are in order -
1. Thanks to all the lovlies who joined in the very enjoyable discussion on the post on fan fiction I did the other day - I had a very busy day after posting, and came back to find all these great observations and to's and fro's... with tangents going off in a chocolate direction for good measure! How perfect is that?!
2. Thanks aplenty to all who voted for my
lj_scribe entry - I appreciate it no end. I won (YAY!!!), but I'd be thanking you regardless - much appreciated my dears!
Last, but definitely not least - a big thanks and Happy Birthday to Alan Rickman!
Thank you for all the hours of enjoyment your talent has given me over the many years I've been a fan, the thrills your unspeakably affecting voice has given me and, of course, bringing the character of Severus Snape to life on the screen.
You, my dear, are like a fine wine - you only get better with age.
Many, many Happy Returns!