About Lucius' Tattoo... and some new New DH pics

Apr 07, 2011 08:07

That tattoo on Lucius' neck in DH 1... I've just seen one of Bellatrix that shows one on her neck, too - but on the opposite side.
I'm sure it wasn't there in HBP...

A bit of a mystery...

At first, I thought it was perhaps his prison number from Azkaban, but it's not the same as the one shown on the slate from OOtP when you see him getting his prison mugshot - anyone have any info on what it's supposed to be?

Oh well, it also gives me an excuse to post a lovely Lucius pic! The ever lovely laurielover1912 brought this droolworthy pic to my attention... Thank you my dear!

The other pics are from The Harry Potter Network www.thehpn.com

The neck tattoo pics of Lucius and Bellatrix:

Also, a great piccie of Neville - I can't wait to see him shine in DH2!

and some assorted Goblins:

pics, deathly hallows, goblins, yummy men, lucius malfoy, bellatrix lestrange, neville longbottom

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