My Sauron...
Is tremendously vain. He kept a lot of mirrors around all his dwelling places. After losing the ring, the biggest loss of his career was losing his ability to be attractive and seductive.
Keeps his nails very clean.
Really enjoyed working for Aule, really. He's very clever with his hands and likes to create things. It's one of the aspects of Sauron that drew Melkor to him--Melkor wasn't good at creating, just corrupting.
Was interested in Varda. Like that. Resentment for Manwe didn't help his virtuous side.
Was always unhappy that some Ainur were naturally more powerful than others--that some could be Valar and others had to be Maiar. His ambition was much greater than many more powerful than himself, but he had inborn limitations.
Was probably as surprised as anyone when Melkor turned out to be evil. They were friends before he became his servant and world domination didn't come up in conversation a lot.
Is not a good singer. It's a sensitive point.
Really prefers Middle-earth to Aman. He thinks it's more interesting.
HATES elves. HATES THEM. Note that he has never had a long-term relationship with an elf. He blames them for getting rid of Melkor, even when the Valar were directly responsible.
Doesn't mind killing an elf or a human, but he's not in favor of cruelty to animals. He never hunted with Orome or any of that nonsense.
Resents that he was never taken seriously by anyone until he became evil. Feels that respect should have been given to him even when he was an honest worker in the forges.
Had a sexual relationship with the Mouth of Sauron--'sexual relationship' being about the extent of it, though he was able to believe he had feelings for Mouth at the time. Believes now that using the word 'love' was a way of sparing Mouth's feelings.
Knew, for a long time, only one way of loving someone. This was the way taught to him by Melkor, which was more about being possessive than anything. This is how he felt towards the Mouth of Sauron, and later (in the world I propel my Sauron through) towards Faramir.
Does not, however, feel this way towards Goldberry. Her presence in his life has been so completely different than anything else that he has ever known that he had to invent a new way of feeling in order to deal with her. Thus, his relationship with her has had an air of normalcy that contrasts sharply with the rest of his life. What he feels for her could be accurately described as love, though it is much more low-key than the other strong feelings he has experienced.
Has a large package. I'm sorry, but a small-dicked Sauron is inconceivable to my imagination, so let us be clear on this point.
Will not wear rough materials. Silk robes, silk underwear, and so on.
Doesn't even LIKE pizza.
Thought Gil-galad was awfully cute with his little spear. But kept that thought to himself while killing him.
Has very little recollection of the individual people he has killed. Gorlim, for instance, would probably have to give his mind a good jogging. Remembers Finrod quite well, though.
Remembers Finrod so well because fucker forced him to sing. He really can't sing. But he beat him anyway--thankfully one can strive with songs of power without having to carry a tune.
Is left-handed.
Genuinely hates all Elvish tongues, but thinks the runes are kind of pretty. Hence the Ring's inscription.
Stopped turning into a werewolf after an embarrassing attempt on his chastity was made by another werewolf. It turns out that he manifested himself as a FEMALE wolf. The whole experience was so embarrassing that he used other servants for roaming around after that.
Felt that corrupting the elves of Eregion and so forth was all business. Numenor, however, was a pure fucking carnivalesque amusement for him.
Never put the One Ring on any part of his body but his finger, thank you. And in contradiction of many an angsty slash fic, he found Frodo Baggins strikingly unattractive.
Will kill anyone besides Goldberry who EVER calls him 'Gorth.'
Was sincerely bothered by Faramir's tendency to kick in his sleep and was, in a way, relieved when he was sleeping by himself again.
Despite all his vanity, does not really crave attention, simply respect. True to his nature as Aule's Maia, he is a behind-the-scenes worker and prefers to use minions and so forth to carry out his bidding. He's not a big fighter--most Ainur are pretty bad with weapons, with some notable exceptions.
Is as puzzled as the rest of you about why, after taking a new shape after the Last Alliance, he still apparently only has four fingers on one hand. "Stupid Isildur," he says.
Very much likes having lots of names. He informs me that he likes being called the Red Eye, or Annatar. Gorthaur, however, is so not cool.
Has a strange relationship with Elia, his kitten. As I noted above, he has respect for animals, but this one, who was given to him by Elrohir, has wormed its way into his corroded black heart and made a home there.
Is unashamed about probably placing Ellie above Goldberry in his mind, if not his (for lack of a better term) heart.
Wishes people would realize that HE is the 'Lord of the Rings' and that this whole marketing bonanza is all about him rather than that Aragorn whore or the idiotic halfling.
Is not quick to give respect, as much as he values it. He sees most mortals as beneath him, but he respects Denethor quite a lot, probably on par with the Mouth of Sauron.
Never liked that shady Saruman character.
Eats surprisingly healthily, though he enjoys caffeine--drinks a lot of coffee, especially while doing crossword puzzles. He also likes cigars, as they enhance his evil image.
Has an evil plan in the works right now.