Now that LOST is over, we can render the awards to those characters that best exemplified things that I feel deserve an award.
Now, the awards, which are spoilerific
Best Nickname - Frogurt.
Seriously, I don't think I would know his real name were it not for the internet. And finding out it was Niel, I prefer Frogurt.
Best Reunion - The return of Sawyer, Jin, and Michael from their broken ass raft in the second season.
There have been lots of reunions, but I think I really felt this one most strongly because all three were in such danger the whole time, and we got more time to dwell on it that the reunions later on.
Best Death - Jacob.
Combining with the next award for a perfect event, whereby a Island god essentially tells off a measly mortal he's been fucking with for the past 40 years, and proceeds to be stabbed repeatedly, as godhood does not provide the all important shiv invulnerability.
Best Murderer - Ben Linus
His official kill count is only 8 (while Smokie and Sayid bet him in numbers, and Mr. Eko ties), he does live up to man's ultimate goal of stabbing an unconcerned divinity in the face, and managed the difficult trick of never seeming particularly dangerous, and yet always having a shot gun at exactly the right moment. "Looking for this?" *Boomstick*
Runner up - Dynamite from the Black Rock
Saddest Death - Charlie
I really was not expecting him to die, even though they foreshadowed the heck out of it. His character stumbled a bunch in season 2, but he got back to being a character I liked before the end. Runner up - Jin and Sun, Alex.
Bravest Character - Juliet
Successfully tamed Sawyer. Successfully dumped the Best Murderer. Hit an atomic bomb with a rock. Fuckin' 'ell.
Best Character - Desmond Hume
I really wanted him off the show, because he was my favorite, and I was never more afraid for any characters life than Desmond's.
Best Flashback - Locke being in a wheel chair.
Holy shit, he was in a wheelchair! Shit!
Best Episode - The Constant
After season 3 I really needed a reason to keep up with this weird slow moving show. Time traveling Desmond Hume to the rescue.
I'm still not sure who to give Worst Character too.... I'm leaning towards Shannon, but its been such a long time I kinda forgot why she was disliked. Likewise with Anna-Lucia. Maybe Michael for being willing to murder innocent people to save his son from being in moderate captivity.