May 13, 2007 13:58
Mmkay, so last night was my brother's social. For those who don't know, a social is a pre-wedding party that's basically an excuse for a whole bunch of people to get together and drink till they throw up. My parents and I were hosting, and we had 18 people staying at our house last night. Fun times.
The social went pretty well with minimal amounts of mess, although we had to kick a guy out cause he was threatening my dad He was WAY over the limit and was demanding more alcohol. My dad refused and gave him his money back. The guy tried swinging at my dad and his friends grabbed him and threw him out (My dad commands a surprising amount of respect as a teacher). Someone said the guy tried driving home after that and got pulled over by the RCMP. Man, I would have LOVED to have seen that.
The thing that REALLY ticked me off though, was one of the girls I used to go to school with. She's about 8 months pregnant and a few people said today that they saw her drinking. I swear, as if I didn't hate this woman enough already...
Otherwise, all went well. We made a shitload of money from the bar, and the drawing I donated to the silent auction got a lot of tickets (my aunt ended up winning it, hilariously).
One flaw: the music sucked ASS. It was all country and rap. And frothy pop. Bleh.