Lord Voldemort's Diary by
violet_quill [Voldemort/various DEs, LM/SS, R] Not quite a year in the world of Death Eater orgies, world domination, and good hair.
The Fairest One by
faeriedeath [TR/GW, PG-13/R] "Isn't she beautiful, Potter? My Ginevra, so fair... she always was mine, you do realize. There was darkness in her since the age of eleven, darkness only I could lay claim to. You merely broke her in for me, made her transition a little less painful."
Not To Send Peace by
biichan [Riddle/Moody, NC-17] Knockturn Alley, 1948.
Renascentia by
ruxi [PG-13] "When Salazar tells me I am the Messiah come forth a second time, I incline to agree and so he asks whether he might please cut off my wings." - Myrtle's death triggers a small transformation in Hogwarts' finest mental wreck.
I'll Be Your Whore-Crux by
bu_style [TR/HP, NC-17] PWP. Harry finds the final Horcrux, but the protective spell on it is nothing like he's ever seen before.
Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself by
starkiller [Tom/Blaise, R]
Reclamation by
copperbadge [PG] In an alternate universe, one man still struggles with a moral decision made many years before.
~ updated:
Ascent by
lunalelle, Ch. 10 [LV/HG, R]
~ updated:
There's Something About Ginny by HadasL, Ch. 11 [TR/GW, DM/GW, R]
~ updated:
Metamorphosis: Man to Monster by horton the elephant, Ch. 5 [Tom, PG]
Art & Icons
Tom Riddle by
coldbeverage [G]
Riddle and Snake by
littlecup [G]
Tom Riddle by
gangstersteph [G]
Corrupt by
honeybean [G]
Tom Riddle LJ layout by
robotslayer News & Opinions
How to make a Horcrux by
HBP 20: Lord Voldemort's Request and
HBP 23: Horcruxes discussions at
a_chapter_a_day~ this week's icon-making challenge at
hpslashicontest is
Rare Pairings~
_voldy100_ now accepts het as well as slash and gen; this week's drabble topic is
Initiation ~ the
lightningwar Riddle-era RPG will resume from October 8 at
lightning_war Dark Lord links always welcome! Comment here, or email.