Riddle-Voldemort-Gaunts Friending Frenzy

Dec 13, 2006 16:23

Yes, a special Riddle-Voldemort-Gaunts Frenzy - to celebrate this little newsletter's 400 watchers. (What is a Friending Frenzy, you ask? Look here for an example of how it works.) Declare yourself available for friending, and enhance your flist with other appreciators of the Dark Lord, in any of his forms.

Leave a comment - introduce yourself. Use this template if you wish.Hi! I'm [name(s)]

How I like my Dark Lord: [Riddle, Voldemort, or both? Dark Lord ships? OTP? Themes? Quotes? Gaunts?]

Other HP Likes: [characters, ships, genres, interests, kinks...]

HP Dislikes: [characters, ships, genres, squicks, pet peeves...]

What's in my LJ: [mostly fandom/mostly real life/mix of both, fic posts, art posts, recs, opinions, challenges, RPGs, icons, drabbles, fangirling, random babble, quizzes and memes, other fandoms...]

Other Links: [link to your fics/art/community, or rec somebody else's work]
Feel free to comment and rec people/communities/fics to those who introduce themselves.

Hope your friends-lists expand in a good way! :D
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