Art for Annie46´s J² Non!AU Fic "Not Exactly Conventional"

May 09, 2012 17:51

My 2nd contributed art within the j2noauchallenge is for annie46´s lovely little J² story called "Not Exactly Conventional". View my visuals for it:

Author: Annie46
Title: Not exactly Conventional
Link to the Fic: Click!
Pairing/Character: Jared/Jensen - Genevieve, Misha and other SPN alumni!
Summary: When at a convention Jared is sick but still wants to appear and please the fans, but he collapses on stage and Jensen is left with the tough decision of helping Jared and being what he is to Jared a love/partner/everything or not doing anything in fear of exposing their relationship.
Rating: NC17

Title Graphic:

100x100 Pixels Icons:

Photo Credits

Tools and Software
- Adobe Photoshop CS 3

challenges, fanart, j2 non au

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