Hmm. Maybe I should greet everyone on FB including him? But nah, I'm too shy to do that. Sure, we're ~friends~ now, but yeah. That would be too awkward.
We should talk on Monday. I have a lot of things to flail about.
I think it would be better if greet him personally but yeah. I'd probably freak out before I can even say anything if I were in your shoes. =/ But good luck! *huggles*
Ahaha, I can imagine. XD Aside from me trying to push you off after you almost having a heart attack? Just joking. XD
If Valentine's Day is on Monday, I'll probably come up with an excuse to greet him and his classmates (oh yes all of the boys there are my ~friends~). But lol, talking to him makes my palms sweat and my legs shake so much. I gain confidence when he smiles. /shot.
You're so mean. So mean. D< Lol, but this time, my flails are going to be louder than ever, so prepare your earmuffs.
LOL. If, you say, if only. (I'm quite happy it's not Valentines' in Monday, though.) S'okay. I can't comprehend with your ordeal much but you go, girl~
Are you halfway through finishing the whole class? Jean and I divided the class into two: boys and girls. I was assigned to collect the boys' essays. I never knew it was this hard. A lot of boys in the class don't go online that often. ;; /clings Good luck to us.
W-Well, I didn't organize anything LOL. I guess I was too annoyed at the fact that I'm an editor to actually do anything about it other than editting. I just told them to send their files to me OR to Mia, so I don't really know how much we've gathered. OTL
I kid. C'mon, do the Writer's Block. >D
I will not do the writer's block because I don't have any male friends here on LJ, okay? How about if YOU do it? >D
(The comment has been removed)
Oh, lol, you know me better than that, don't you? I have one serious crush and a gazillion not-so-serious crushes. Pfft.
Yes. YES. I know it too much it hurts. (Who's your current favorite? LOL)
Okay, fine, I'll scratch my answer. I only have one serious crush. That's it. That guy from next door, lol.
(Ahaha, yes. Celebrate Valentines' the japanese way.)
We should talk on Monday. I have a lot of things to flail about.
Ahaha, I can imagine. XD Aside from me trying to push you off after you almost having a heart attack? Just joking. XD
You're so mean. So mean. D< Lol, but this time, my flails are going to be louder than ever, so prepare your earmuffs.
W-Well, I might die an early death?
Why yes you will. It might be even earlier if I see you at school earlier than 4 PM, lol.
You know I should be doing the associate editor thingy for the yearbook right now.
Ahaha, yes. In fact, I'm multi-tasking right now. I'm really wondering why I accepted the associate editor position, because it's really a pain. ;A;
Are you halfway through finishing the whole class? Jean and I divided the class into two: boys and girls. I was assigned to collect the boys' essays. I never knew it was this hard. A lot of boys in the class don't go online that often. ;; /clings Good luck to us.
Yeah, good luck to us. ;A;
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