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lovesdancing11 February 13 2010, 13:30:11 UTC
/is amused, too.


darklogic09 February 13 2010, 13:32:44 UTC
OH WAIT I KNOW NOW. I-It's you all along. ;A; *cue the ever-dramatic, OMGIFOUNDLOVE music*

I kid. C'mon, do the Writer's Block. >D


lovesdancing11 February 13 2010, 13:34:41 UTC

I will not do the writer's block because I don't have any male friends here on LJ, okay? How about if YOU do it? >D


(The comment has been removed)

lovesdancing11 February 13 2010, 13:49:12 UTC
...oh. Sorry about that.

Oh, lol, you know me better than that, don't you? I have one serious crush and a gazillion not-so-serious crushes. Pfft.


darklogic09 February 13 2010, 13:53:04 UTC
Ahaha I was just kidding around you. ^^;

Yes. YES. I know it too much it hurts. (Who's your current favorite? LOL)


lovesdancing11 February 13 2010, 13:55:43 UTC
I know. 8D

Okay, fine, I'll scratch my answer. I only have one serious crush. That's it. That guy from next door, lol.


darklogic09 February 13 2010, 14:01:19 UTC
It's Valentines' tomorrow. Planning to give him... anything? A message, or whatever?

(Ahaha, yes. Celebrate Valentines' the japanese way.)


lovesdancing11 February 13 2010, 14:06:02 UTC
Hmm. Maybe I should greet everyone on FB including him? But nah, I'm too shy to do that. Sure, we're ~friends~ now, but yeah. That would be too awkward.

We should talk on Monday. I have a lot of things to flail about.


darklogic09 February 13 2010, 14:11:12 UTC
I think it would be better if greet him personally but yeah. I'd probably freak out before I can even say anything if I were in your shoes. =/ But good luck! *huggles*

Ahaha, I can imagine. XD Aside from me trying to push you off after you almost having a heart attack? Just joking. XD


lovesdancing11 February 13 2010, 14:18:18 UTC
If Valentine's Day is on Monday, I'll probably come up with an excuse to greet him and his classmates (oh yes all of the boys there are my ~friends~). But lol, talking to him makes my palms sweat and my legs shake so much. I gain confidence when he smiles. /shot.

You're so mean. So mean. D< Lol, but this time, my flails are going to be louder than ever, so prepare your earmuffs.


darklogic09 February 13 2010, 14:39:27 UTC
LOL. If, you say, if only. (I'm quite happy it's not Valentines' in Monday, though.) S'okay. I can't comprehend with your ordeal much but you go, girl~

W-Well, I might die an early death?


lovesdancing11 February 13 2010, 15:06:47 UTC
Yes, me, too.

Why yes you will. It might be even earlier if I see you at school earlier than 4 PM, lol.

You know I should be doing the associate editor thingy for the yearbook right now.


darklogic09 February 13 2010, 15:16:59 UTC
I-I still have so many things I want to attain in my life so no thanks. *gets bricked*

Ahaha, yes. In fact, I'm multi-tasking right now. I'm really wondering why I accepted the associate editor position, because it's really a pain. ;A;


lovesdancing11 February 13 2010, 15:29:21 UTC
>DDD See you at school on Monday~

Are you halfway through finishing the whole class? Jean and I divided the class into two: boys and girls. I was assigned to collect the boys' essays. I never knew it was this hard. A lot of boys in the class don't go online that often. ;; /clings Good luck to us.


darklogic09 February 13 2010, 15:35:18 UTC
W-Well, I didn't organize anything LOL. I guess I was too annoyed at the fact that I'm an editor to actually do anything about it other than editting. I just told them to send their files to me OR to Mia, so I don't really know how much we've gathered. OTL

Yeah, good luck to us. ;A;


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