Nov 18, 2004 10:51
I am not in school today. I did not go to school last Friday either. I really need to correct this.
t.s. was fun, although kind of sad being that it was my last one ever.
I am stupid sometimes. I need to stop baiting people and be nice again.
I am not in school but I am not sick. I am just not in school. I went to the mall earlier today with Davy, who is also not in school today, and I bought a shirt and some earrings. This morning, when I was waking up, I raised my blanket over my head and it caught on one of my earrings and that was just owwww. Benjamin called me. I miss him. =(. He's going to come stay with me for Thanksgiving. At school there is a huge poster of his college hanging up in the guidance counselor's office and every time I pass it I miss him more than ever.
Joey: I also miss you too. And Kelley. And and and and and my life is defined by the people I miss.
I need to force myself to leave my house to be social to be nice to people who aren't Jesspah and Davy to not be mad at myself for hanging out with Davy too much to not enrage Ammie anymore to stop being antisocial and leave my house to hang out in groups to not get sad all the goddamned time over things that shouldn't make me sad.
In other news, I killed people in GTA SA and that was pretty satisfying.
Somebody kick me out of this wistful-restless melancholia before I seriously go insane.