Apr 16, 2008 07:54
Dear journal,
It’s been since February, 2 months is a long time in my life. Thing are remotely the same. The kids are doing really great. They are still A, B Honor Roll students at school. My little girl has just been accepted into the gifted program in school. She is very smart and I know she will do well. My son is a bit more stubborn and did not get into the program because he refused to do parts of the tests correctly. Other than that he is doing much, much better in school. So all is the same with them.
We had to quit soccer this year, it was very sad, the kids were just not happy at all. I would allow quitting normally, but this year the YMCA was just horribly unorganized. It was so bad that they never got to play a game, the coaches were confused and the teams had to be re-split up more than twice. I finally just told them I could not do this and I wanted my money back, so I was able to get my money back and we are using the Mcwayne Science Center as a weekend fun place.
Tim is doing WONDERFULLY. He has lost just over 200lbs now. Gastric Bypass Surgery is a very scary thing, but it has been wonderful for him. He feels better. He is able to do so much more than ever before. We were talking the other day and told me that he weighs less now than he has since he was a teenager. He is happier with himself also.
As for me things don’t ever change much. My medications have been adjusted and some new ones added. I am doing better. I still pretty nasty headaches and I still get sick from time to time, but I am doing much better than I have in a while. I spend a lot of time clean up at home and rearranging things because I get bored with where things are located. Drives Tim nuts when he comes home and the living room has been rearranged. Other than this it’s all still the same for me.
We are planning on moving this year. We have to do so by June. It’s been a bit stressful. We want to move more into the Inverness area for the School System. Shelby County Schools are a great deal better than the Birmingham City School System. We have found a place we are looking into and hoping that we get. It’s going to put us on highway 280, which is a BIG change for me, but I am sure in time I will get used to it.
I am taking a break from World of Warcraft. It has been very stressful as of late. Finding that people, whether they are in a digital world or real life, can make you want to pull your hair out and scream obscenities for virtually no sane or logical reason. I understand that everyone has feelings and that people get those feelings hurt every single day, but when you play a game like this is meant to be fun, a place to escape the stresses of the real world and the things in life that make you want run and hide, but let me tell you that its sometime more stressful to play a game like this and deal with the full on drama of the unhappy, rude folks out there. Sometime you get to see sides of people that you never thought existed, I speak on that from experience, as I have acted in ways recently that I never thought I could. I mean yeah I enjoy the game and the playing of the game, the hanging with people and talking and cutting up, but there are some days where the behavior of grown adults (or kids form the age of 18 up ) , well let us just say it’s something to be seen. I mean I have been part of sports where you want to ring a parents neck for being a real turd to their kid because they lost, and sometimes the behavior is not much different from that. So I have taken a break and who knows I may go back I may not. Right now I am just taking my time to decide what I want to do.
Well I guess that is more than enough rambling for one day. I will try and update a bit sooner next time.
Hugs and Love Journal…