It's been... what... more or less 5 days since I've returned? Recovering from all that's happened... It's not really as easy as I thought it'd be.
But perhaps it's time I get out of my room... Hmn...
[ Filtered to the Akechi's, Hiiragi Keiichi, Hiiragi Jun, and Klavier Gavin ]
Anou ne,
Klavier-san... Are you still looking for a bassist? And are you free right now, or maybe later tonight?
Jun-kun, I mean you too... I want to get rid of some stress, so... Maybe we can play something? I need to be human to sing
the song I have in mind though... I hope that's ok?
I feel that singing and playing a musical instrument always makes me feel better. ^^ Isn't it the same for you 2 as well?
Akechi-sensei... I hope you don't mind my getting out of bed... It's getting boring waiting for recovery to come on its own. ^^
[ / Filter]
Food deliveries should be back to normal next week. ^_^ I hope no one's upset that there have been no desserts and food sent out for 2 weeks. ^^
[ooc: kiss kiss fall in love, yes? >3 Welcome Back, Hiiragi-mun~!!! *tackles*]